you think so? kevin, this is serious! i love you! vanderbilt's not that far from u of m. what? we both have cars. that's not why we're going out. jessica! he'll drive there for me, and i'll drive to ann arbor for him. we're going to have sex when he's ready and i'm ready. it's got to be completely perfect. i want the right place, the right time, the right moment. please. you like her? her sponsor family lives on my block. why don't you talk to her? just tell her what's on your mind. and smile, you've got a good smile. come on. oh, kev. tonight? just relax. let me know. stifler, you're such a jerk. he likes it. i think i've had one. i've never tried it. jessica, can you drive me home? not for you. i'll think about it. i think "shithead" really says it. how? oh. ungghhhhh! oh kevin -- don't stop! i'm coming! no, i'm not. i'm writing a sequence of random numbers that look like i'm doing the extra credit problems. mr. bender doesn't bother to check homework past april. it's everyone's trick, kevin. but i did pick it up from you. yeah, we have. you corrupted my four- point into a three-nine-five. like how? i think you're so right, kevin. yes -- i love you. kevin? do you not love me? but you don't love me. kevin. you're not your dad. the two of us, we're not your parents. okay. did you know that it's. 450 miles from ann arbor to nashville? so have i. and i know you want to make things perfect for me. and i understand that you really wouldn't tell me that until you were 100% comfortable with it. and i want to make things perfect for you. you're right, kev, we do have something good. and special. kevin. i want to have sex with you. no. i know the perfect time. so, i guess you and sherman are pretty close. you met at that party a while back? "deep conversation," huh? is that what you guys call it? wow, kev. it's perfect. yeah, are you? you sure you're comfortable? yeah. okay. did you bring a condom? i don't know. how do you? okay. i want to hear you say it. i love you. here. yeah. yeah, the time went by so fast. kevin, next year. with you in ann arbor, and me in nashville. it's not gonna work, is it. no, kevin -- that's the whole thing, that's what i've been realizing. that nothing's perfect, that you can't plan everything. i know. let's go. don't you have something to tell your friends? your little pact. jessica told me all about it. way to go, kev!