carol, it's david in sydney wade's office. i want to confirm her lunch with the congressman. you're awfully jumpy today. what do you have -- a big date tonight? ask him about his position on stateboard for hawaii. how's this? hey, syd, i saw on your schedule you're gonna meet with mcsorley, mccluskey and shane. sydney, these are people who represent people who make cars for a living. cars, you understand, run on gasoline. well, if we're gonna try, we should do some prep work. you wanna order in? okay. i'm having lunch at the kremlin, so we'll have to, you know, start real early. in order for me to catch the morning plane to moscow. she got pennybaker. leo needs to see you. he needs to see you in his office. he just got off the phone with macinerney. there's been a development.