the 10:15 event's been moved inside to the indian treaty room.
yes, sir. they're giving you a 200-pound halibut.
yes, sir.
of course, sir.
mr. rothschild asked to have a moment with you this morning.
he seemed concerned.
happy birthday, laura.
you already did, sir.
--the museum trip. i'll go get it.
very crowded.
security briefing, sir.
mr. president, your cousin judith's come down with the flu and won't be able to join you thursday night.
yes, sir.
it's 3:45, sir.
you have the attorney general at 4:00 and the trade representative at 4:30. somewhere in there you promised npr five minutes.
you will, mr. president.
you're running four minutes ahead of schedule.
yes, sir.
mr. macinerney asked me to remind you to pop your head in on--
yes, sir.
this way.
yes, sir?
miss wade? the president wants you to join him upstairs in the residence. may i show you the way?
mr. president, i'm sorry to interrupt. the receiving line is in place.
i'll take care of it, sir. where do you want them sent?
i don't understand.
you just want the phone number?
i don't understand, sir, is there--
i'll get it for you right away, sir.
i'm sorry, i'm really not at liberty to say.
i'm really not at liberty to say.
(turning to mrs.
the dogwood, sir.
are you sure?
sir, it's a tree and a flower.
they're in storage in wisconsin with the rest of your personal items.
mr. president, ms. wade is here to see you.
yes, sir.
they're 45 seconds away, sir.
you're incredibly late.
he's incredibly late.
mr. president, leventhal at treasury wants two minutes. hello, sydney.
mr. president?