sorry! sorry, my fault. excuse me. good morning, mr. president. they keep moving that big ficus plant. wait a second. you wanted me to poll registered voters? scare the shit out of 'em? i can do that. who's on indiana? excuse me. new people, i can't remember your names. raise your hand if you're on indiana. put your hands down -- you're on illinois. what? i don't believe it. you. new guy. "jarrett, democrat, minnesota." slide his name on over to "for." we just had his name laminated under "undecided." how'd you get the fence pole out of his butt? we gotta do one thing at a time. it's a tree and a flower. yes. what's going on? i think it's a great idea, sir. you know rumson's gonna be talking about your lack of military service. but it can be, sir. what you did tonight was very presidential. yes, sir. the country has mood swings. well, i could explain it better, but i'd need charts and graphs and an easel. yeah, you didn't get the memo? the bill is priced to move, see. the president's coattail's are gonna have room for you, congressman, you leave that to us. i wouldn't say he's in a free-- what if i do a new poll? we give him detailed public opinion. bad. forty-one. character across the board. jarrett. he's trying to keep his finger in the dam. i hope so. 'cause, you know, if that was an "undecided," then we need to work on our people skills. we're three votes down again, sir. mr. president, as of this morning, sydney only needed one more vote. the motown three have gotta be scared blind. i don't think there'll be a better opportunity. if you agree to stick 455 in a drawer until after the elections, they'll give you the three votes. we're there, sir. the state of the union is 48 hours away. there isn't. there isn't, sir. i beg your pardon? storch is a "no." no. no. no. that one too, sir.