i didn't truly appreciate it until i came back and discovered that america isn't a great society. not a great society, sir? there's a press room full of people saying "what did he mean by that?" are they blaming the president for global warming? can i tell my morning press gaggle that gun control-- got it. david sasser from the times called and wanted to know what the white house felt was a great society. i told him i couldn't speak for the president, but for my money: bermuda. you gonna go stag? no. we've never gone wrong parading you around as the lonely widower. my god. i can't believe i said that. mr. president, that was an incredibly thoughtless remark. i would never dream of insulting you or the memory of your wife. mr. president-- lovely. huge. mr. president, we need five minutes before scheduling if you can spare it. does this have something to do with sydney wade? sir, they're gonna be pressing today about whether the white house is prepared to soften the assault weapons section of the crime bill. how do you want me to handle the sydney issue? sir, what do you think about a national address? last question. that was my fault, sir. we should have prepped you for that. "newsweek" is begging for ten minutes today. any ten minutes you got. good morning, mr. president. hi, sydney. i came over as soon as lewis called. i think the important thing is not to make it look like we're panicking. we need a diversion. you understand that by diversion i'm not saying we set the white house on fire. no diversion. no comment? sir. it could've been a small problem. it's now at the very least a medium- sized-- it could've been an opportunity if we'd caught it. at 5:45. five-forty-five doesn't do me any good, lewis. five-forty-five, network news is in makeup. --it's got a bullet. outside the department of commerce. anti-apartheid. see, it's already distracting you. why don't you let a.j. and lewis-- and they find this romantic? now?! it's not what men do. i know no men who do that. no reaction from the white house. fellas, we haven't slept in three years. can't we forget work for one night and take this moment to enjoy each other as friends? it's christmas. how're the numbers? how bad? who is lewis on with? lewis! the press is expecting an announcement on the crime bill by the sate of the union. and we declare victory, sir. good morning, mr. president. lewis. call a.j. and come on down here. i don't know, but something's happening. any questions? mr. president, they're waiting for you. this way, people. let's go.