lloyd, it's a long time till next november. right now, i'm just looking forward to a pleasant evening. you're over-thinking this. voters aren't interested in how to achieve economic growth, and they don't want to hear our plans to strengthen foreign policy. reporters like him. networks and newspapers like ratings and circulation. for all the bitching we do about liberal bias in the press when it comes down to a character debate. because it couldn't. our polling told us that attacking his character less than a year after he'd lost his wife was gonna be a turn-off and was gonna make people feel sorry for him. we couldn't run the campaign we wanted because the opponent was a widower. you'll have to forgive my friend. he's been on a hunting trip and cut off from the world. the president's got a girlfriend. last night, the price of his liberal programs was raised to include the blood of 22 american soldiers. mr. shepherd's read a lot of books, but you didn't need a harvard degree to see this comin' a mile down the road. the fat that our commander-in-chief has not served one day in uniform-- does new hampshire want traditional american values back in the white house? does new hampshire want the pride back? my name is bob rumson. and i'm running for president. i agree a hundred and ten percent, mrs. harper. that's why i'm up here in the dead of winter talkin' about it with you folks. that's very generous of you, ma'am, and i'm gonna take that money off your hands right now. what do you got for me, stu? shit, stu, my mother's got an fbi file. oh man. tell me the smoke is coming from what it looks like it's coming from. "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas" yes, and i'm glad to see ol' never mind she's the hired gun of an ultra-liberal political action committee. never mind that the president takes the fifth anytime a reporter has the temerity to ask a question about a woman in a position to exert enormous influence over a huge range of issues. never mind that this woman's idea of how to unwind at the end of a tough day is by getting together with her aclu pals and setting american flags on fire. my name is bob rumson, and i'm running for president. i'm not saying-- i'm not making an acc-- let me be very clear. i'm not making an accusation. i am saying when we hear one thing, we dismiss it. we hear two, we dismiss it. but when several, several well- respected members and former members of the virginia state house-- --each of their own accord, comes to me and expresses concern over the woman standing next to -- i don't even know, do we call her the first mistress? when several--