you wanted to see me? did the president read the letter? it was aggressive, and we should stand by every-- we don't need another environmental expert to confirm what every other environmental expert-- who? oh christ. that woman doesn't know the first thing about the environmental lobby. he just needs your driver's license. he doesn't care. he doesn't need to know that. he doesn't know what capra-esque means. sydney, we should leave mr. macinerney alone now. he's already given us more time than-- sir, ms. wade's been thrown into the deep end of the pool on her first day. she hasn't even had a chance to read the report of the quebec conference. it's really time to-- sydney! mr. president, we haven't met. my name is susan sloan. i used to work with congressman myers. i hope this episode in no way-- i want to go on the record and apologize for my attitude toward you since your arrival. i think i have a lot of pent-up hostility. i wonder who i can blame it on. 'cause i've been blaming it on my mother and my ex-husband, and that hasn't been working.