hi, my name's sydney ellen wade. i'm from virginia. i'm here for a meeting with mr. macinerney. forgive me, this is my first time at the white house. i'm trying to savor the capra-esque quality. thanks. hardly an impressive distinction, a.j. susan, mr. macinerney doesn't want us to leave, because mr. macinerney's not yet done what he needs to do today. you're right. i haven't read it. if someone had asked me yesterday, i'd have told them the quebec conference was made up of six professional hockey teams. but what i do know is that it's time for the president to run for president again. leon kodak is as good as it gets when it comes to electoral strategy, and i'm certain he's told the president exactly what i'd tell him: nail down michigan and california, where they make cars and airplanes -- and burn plenty of fossil fuel. but if i had read these eight hundred pages, i would have discovered that it's the burning of fossil fuels that's been mostly responsible for global warming and that the 20 percent reduction recommended by the gdc is a necessary first step toward arresting the catastrophic greenhouse effect that has gone unchecked by this administration. susan, i promise you, the white house chief of staff will not let us leave here until he's broken the bad news. the president's expecting our full support? the president's dreamin', a.j. --the president has critically misjudged reality. if he honestly thinks that the environmental community is going to whistle a happy tune while rallying support around this pitifully lame mockery of environmental leadership just because he's a nice guy and he's done better than his predecessors, then your boss is the chief executive of fantasyland. mr. president, i'm. don't know what to say. i'm speechless. yes, sir? of course. mr. president-- of course. mr. president-- i've just been on the regular tour. it didn't include. mr. president, what you saw in there was nothing more than vanity run amok. i was showing off for a colleague who doesn't think very much of me. it'd be a real injustice for you to hold the gdc accountable for my behavior today. on top of which, i'm monumentally sorry for having insulted you like that. well. not by a professional political operative standing 30 feet from the oval office. mr. president-- i didn't know that. learned that one the hard way. yes, sir, i'll convey your message. the gdc is asking for 20 percent, sir. how do you know that until you put the full weight of the white house behind-- twenty-four votes? do i have your word on that, sir? sir, i'm a little intimidated by my surroundings, and yes, i've gotten off to a rocky and somewhat stilted beginning, but don't let that diminish the weight of my message: the gdc has been at every president for the last decade and a half that global warming is a calamity, the effects of which will be second only to nuclear war. the best scientists in the world have given you every reason to take the gdc seriously. but i'm gonna give you one more. if you don't live up to the deal you just made, come new hampshire, we're gonna go shopping for a new candidate. with all due respect, mr. president, who's gonna stop me? ah. richard. richard, it wasn't funny. i acted like a college freshman at a protest rally. oh god, i forgot about that. no, richard. richard, i don't want to hear your andrew shepherd imitation. i'm hanging up now, richard. tonight? i was gonna go to bed early and wake up when there's a new president. the president must think i'm a third- rate jerk. i'll tell you one thing, boy. i regrouped, you gotta gimme that. i pulled it together at the end. i stood in the middle of the oval office and i made it very clear that from now on, he who doesn't take the gdc seriously does so at his peril! are you gonna be throwing that back at me the rest of my life? that's gonna be leo solomon. he said he'd call at nine. hello? leo? andrew shepherd. you're hilarious, richard. you're a regular riot. oh, really. well, i'm so glad you called, because i forgot to tell you today what a nice ass you have. i'm also impressed that you were able to get my phone number, considering i don't have a phone. good night, richard. i don't believe this. no way. i may choke in front of shepherd, but richard reynolds i can handle. hello? are you learning-impaired?! what? this isn't happening to me. it's not possible i did this twice in one day. my name's sydney ellen wade. i'd like to-- mr. president, i'm sure there's an appropriate thing to say at this moment. probably some formal apology for the nice-ass remark would be in order. i just don't quite know how to word it. no, sir, of course not. i mean -- yes, you can call me anytime you want -- this is fine. right now is fine. when i said "of course not," i meat that. you know what? the hell with it -- i'm moving to another country. i just moved to washington over the weekend, and my apartment isn't ready yet. this is my sister's apartment. come to think of it, how did you get this number? the fbi. sure. 'cause i-if you want to find someone and you're the president, that's who you would call. the c.i.a.? the president has asked me to join him in representing our country. i'm honored. i'm equal to the task. and i won't let you down, sir. no. of course. i'm a little. uh. what do i do? i, i mean, where do i go? should i meet you? will you. of course. mr. president, thank you for asking me. really. this is a first for me. we could do with a little party leadership, mike. is the majority whip takin' a break? congress is in session, right, i'm not wrong about that? terrific! thank you. i have no idea what i'm doing here. yes, sir. i remember. sure. it's nice to see you again. i don't know what happened. one minute i was calling him a mockery of an environmental leader. the next minute i had a date. got it. an honor to meet you both. they took me through it. do you do this often, sir? i meant do you go out on. do you-- often--do you-- well, yeah. me? lately, i seem to be going out on a lot of first dates. oh yeah, you can ask me anything. it's hard to say at this point. so far it's just your typical first date stuff. mr. president, the president and mrs. d'astier look bored. they're not talking to anybody. monsieur le president, nous sommes tous habilles, nous avons ce merveilleux orchestre, une piece magnifique. comment se fait-il que les invites ne dansent pas? really? i just said that we're sitting in this beautiful room, listening to the music of this wonderful orchestra, and i wondered why nobody was dancing. there's a lesson there, mr. president. uh, yeah, i guess. i mean, yes, sir, i'd love to. i don't know how you do it. that's not what i mean. two hundred pairs of eyes are focused on you right now, with two questions: "who's this girl, and why's our president dancing with her?" leo, you wanted to see me? leo-- it was crazy. he called me at home. nothing. it was innocent. his cousin got the flu at the last minute. what? that's none of your business, leo. you wanna tell me how my personal life in any way-- that's unfair. you're making way too much of this. leo, there is no relationship. it was one night. it's done. relax, leo. i'm sure it's just a formality. so he had some staff flunky send me a fruit basket. i'm sure he didn't take the time to-- okay, listen, so he-- --it took him ten minutes to write a card?! a ham. he sent me a virginia ham. thanks for seeing me on such short notice. i got the ham, yes. thank you very much. so did i. it's just that. no, no, that's fine. i just stopped by to. dinner? i'd love to meet lucy, but. actually, i have some concerns that-- yes. not many. a few. one. i have one concern. you like to make jokes about this, but-- what's that? leo solomon has serious concerns about my exploring a social, you know, scenario, with the president of the united states. it's just not-- sydney. nice to meet you. your father's on the phone with his dentist? who is he on the phone with? they're probably not discussing his teeth. c-stad? capricorn surface to air defense. everything all right with your teeth? the dentist. you've got a short-range weapons system outside tel aviv. your dad says you're studying the constitutional convention. you're not having fun? sydney. thank you. it was nice meeting you. she's wonderful. she's you. i thought c-stad wasn't gonna be operational until january. the israelis? it's not the dish-- it's the china room. there're about seven-thousand books. i'll get one for you. mr. president -- have you ever noticed how similar the van buren flatware is to the buchanan flatware? this isn't a state of mind. you are the president. and when i'm in a room with you, oval or any other shape, i'm always gonna be a lobbyist, and you'll always be the president. you think this is a good idea? no. of course. is anything wrong? why did i have to kiss him? yeah. i kissed him. on the mouth. in the dish room. the china room. he had to go and attack libya. i've gotta nip this in the bud. this has catastrophe written all over it. it's him. he's gonna ask me to come over there. i don't want to go over there. all right. but i'm gonna end it on the phone. i'm not gonna go over there. cut to: i just came over here to tell you why i can't see you anymore. look, i know you've had a tough day. mr. president, this isn't gonna work. that's not what i. i've really enjoyed the time we've spent together, but this has catastrophe written all over it. please, mr. president, don't pursue me outside the political arena. if i were on your staff, i would tell you that the absolute worst thing you can do coming into an election year is to open yourself up to character attacks, and the fastest way to do that is to prance around like the playboy of the western world. yes, of course, but if you'll follow the immutable-- why's that? you can't afford me. more than you do, mr. president. what the hell does it matter how much money i-- i'm only thinking about the health of your presidency. you think this morning's press conference was the end of it? bob rumson's gotta be drooling over this. i beg your pardon? that's not the issue-- you're not most people. what's my problem? sex and nervousness is my problem. no, but i'm sure you'll explain it to me. ahhhhhh. yes. may i use your bathroom for a moment? i want to freshen up. you have a plan? don't make me wait. you're on a roll. you explained it great. no. the most powerful man in the world? andy. hi. i wanted to leave the building before the press corps got here. sure. boy, lewis'd go nuts if he knew i'd spent the night. what? hi, lewis. well, mr. president, thank you for taking the time to go over those fossil fuel numbers. i'll just get my coat, and be on my way. who? who's camped out? the press is camped out? they know my car?! a diversion. thanks, a.j. i'm no expert, but i thought we did it pretty good this time. i know. i had a good time. i'd like that. bye. i understand, congressman. of course you need to deliberate. i know the fact that there isn't any heavy industry in your district doesn't make this decision any easier. but we met three weeks ago, and at the end of that meeting you said that you were leaning our way but that you wanted to sleep on it. since i haven't heard from you since then, the only conclusion i can reach is that you haven't slept in 21 days. harry, think like a father for a second. wouldn't you like your kids to be able to take a deep breath when they're 30? thank you. you're doing the right thing. tote board's heavy. that's better! yeah, the motown three said they'd give me 30 minutes next week. yeah. hey, i know it's a long shot, but if i can get one of them, it'll be a huge payoff in visibility. i can't work tonight. i'm having dinner at the white house. we can start early tomorrow. good night, david. it's terrific, beth. i love it. work clothes. i always have dinner at the white house wearing a suit. i thought a dress would be nice. hello. i'm just trying on dresses. how do you feel about leather? another woman? boys, if i had a nickel for every time i heard that one. what do lewis and robin think? lewis and robin are very smart. i didn't say that! his number are climbing. what about yours? i've got some work i was gonna bring home. why? what'd you have in mind? camp david? sure. i used to go there all the time, but then they changed chefs and. yes. do you ever get used to helicopters dropping you off at your front door? i guess you do. oh good god. i'm looking at your college transcripts. this isn't human. nobody gets this many "a's." you were like a stepford student. actually i finished andrew shepherd: road to the white house. now i'm onto shepherd: the early years. oh, andy. c-minus in women's studies? my god. he's making this up as he goes along. oh, man. my father heard that. my father doesn't have a deaf ear. he hears fine out of both. so do i. so does my sister, so do my friends. you're the only one who seems to-- i'm not asking you to. i can take care of myself. this isn't about me. how can you keep quiet? how do you have patience for people who claim they love america but clearly can't stand americans? i want to say something, but i'm gonna fumble it a little bit, so i'd just like you to wait till i'm done before you respond. i'm in love with you. i'm certain of it. and i want to be with you more than anything. but maybe things would be better for you if i disappeared for a while. merry christmas, a.j. i got stuck on depont circle. i can never remember which lane i'm supposed to take. then i got cut off by this idiot cab driver who starts screaming at me like it's my fault. it's not funny. i hate that place. can't you declare it a federal disaster area or something? ahhh. i had a terrible meeting today. totally lost my cool with mcsorley, mccluskey and shane. i pitched 'em the hill. it was a disaster. well, congratulations, fellas, you're outta the cellar. mcsorley told me the only thing on the president's domestic agenda they were more committed to defeating than the crime bill was the fossil fuel package. no, i'm not kidding. it's funny that he used the same words. i'm gonna get a drink and shake this off. when i come back, i'll have christmas spirit. is something wrong? i'll be back in a minute. congressman pennybaker, on election day, people give a damn about what i tell them to give a damn about. and that's why i have a job. did you want another roll? we've got the full backing of the white house, katherine. yes, at 20 percent. three more votes and the president sends it to the hill. katie, 10 years from now any cars with an internal combustion engine is gonna be considered a collector's item. come on board, we'll make your volvo a classic. tons. i didn't think you liked it. so you didn't like it. you're lying. you are. i can tell when you're holding something back. you do a thing with your face. two days before i met you. you gave a speech for the daughters of the american revolution. i was there. you remember the speech? "american can no longer afford to pretend that they live in a great society." there was supposed to be something else after that, wasn't there? i told you. the face. you're looking at a lady who's two votes shy of the promised land. i got pennybaker. that got me cass and zimmer. well, i'm not there yet. i'll be proud when i see you sign the bill. andy. you're doing that thing with your face. i didn't notice. was there an attitude? well-- i'm not really qualified to-- tell him to get over here. it's a party. it can't wait? have you seen a gray cableknit sweater? it's beth's. i wore it here one time, and i didn't want to leave it. i'm going home, and then i'm going to hartford. yes. do you know if it was sent with your dry cleaning by any-- richard reynolds' campaign. he may be able to get me a job. not long after leo solomon fired me from my old one. beth's gonna kill me. she loves that-- total failure to achieve any of the objectives for which i was hired. i told him he was being unreasonable. after all, i did get to dance with the president and ride in air force one a couple of times. but you know those prickly environmentalists. it's always gonna be something with them. if it's not clean air, then it's clean water. like it isn't good enough that i'm on the cover of people magazine. you'll call him? you mean you'll call him yourself? personally? it'll come from the president? that's a great idea. i think you should call leo and make a deal. he hires me back for, say, 72 days. i go around scaring the hell out of congress, making them think that the president's about to drive through a very damaging and costly bill. they'll believe me, right, 'cause i'm the president's friday night girl. now i don't know if you can dip into this well twice, especially since i've lost all credibility in politics, but you never know, i might just be able to pull it off again. i might be able to give you just the leverage you need to pass some ground-breaking piece of crime legislation -- like a mandatory three-day waiting period before a five-year-old can buy an uzi. fuck the sweater -- she'll have to learn to live with disappointment. i know exactly what went on here today. i got screwed. you saw the poll, you needed the crime bill, you couldn't get it on your own, so i got screwed. well then, congratulations. it's only taken you three years to put together crime prevention legislation that has no hope of preventing crime. mr. president, you got bigger problems than losing me. you just lost my vote. just stay away from dupont circle. i hear it's murder this time of day. hi, a.j. i heard your speech. i was in my car, and it just kind of steered its way over here. i didn't come back 'cause you decided to send 455 to the floor. yes, you do. they're beautiful. should i stay here? how'd you finally do it? manage to give a woman flowers and be president at the same time.