face it-the japanese will own most of this country by the end of the '90s. jesus, davis. yes. that was hilarious. that was you, wasn't it? bateman killing owen and the escort girls? oh that s fabulous. that's rich. it was a pretty long message, wasn't it? the message you left. by the way davis, how is cynthia? you're still seeing her, right? excuse me. nothing. good to see you. is that edward towers? davis. i'm not one to bad-mouth anyone, your joke was amusing. but come on, man, you had one fatal flaw: bateman's such a dork, such a boring, spineless lightweight, that i couldn't fully appreciate it. i wasn't fooled for a second. now, if you'd said price, or mcdermott. otherwise, it was amusing. now, let's have lunch or dinner or something. hilarious, davis. a killer. oh christ. he can barely pick up an escort girl, let alone. what was it you said he did to her? now, if you'll excuse me, i really must. excuse me. i really must he going. but that's simply not possible. and i don't find this funny anymore. it's just not. because i had dinner with paul owen twice in london. just ten days ago. now, if you'll excuse me.