yes, i read that. patrick, how thought-provoking. patrick, thanks so much for looking after courtney. dorsia, how impressive! how on earth did you get a reservation there? that's a wonderful jacket. let me guess, valentino couture? it looks so soft. patrick? is that you? this is gwendolyn ichiban. this is my very good friend patrick bateman. where are you going? we're going to nell's. gwendolyn's father's buying it. where did you get your overnight bag? call me please, patrick. hi, guys. i wanna get your opinion on something. yes, i do. no, it's my business card-i decided to get a new one too. god, patrick. why here? i've seen you looking at me. i've noticed your hot body. don't be shy. you don't know how long i've wanted it. ever since that christmas party at arizona 206. you know the one, you were wearing that red-striped paisley armani tie. i want you. i want you. too. where are you going? patrick? i'll call you.