stop it! tell me. stash. do you think soho is becoming to. commercial? what? oh, i'm. busy. stop it. i'm. waiting for luis to call me. he said he'd call tonight. oh don't be difficult, patrick. but-when? ummm . . yeah. luis is calling me tonight. i need to be home for that. yes? uh huh. i know. stop it. patrick don't call me pumpkin anymore, okay? i have to go. i can't. dorsia's nice. you like it there, don't you? okay. yeah. what time? pick me up? a facial at elizabeth arden, which was really relaxing, then to the pottery bam where i bought this silver muffin dish. oh god, patrick. shut up. i just want to have a child. just. two. perfect. children. champagne on the rocks. oh-could i have that with a twist? she starts to sink back in her chair and bateman leans over and pulls her back up. are we here? this is dorsia? mmmm. thanks, patrick. i want you to fuck me. luis is a despicable twit. no, you idiot. i said "is it a receptacle tip?" not, is luis a despicable twit. is it a receptacle tip? get off me. pull out. pull out, goddamnit! turn the light on. patrick. turn on the light. he turns on the light. take it off. because you have to leave half an inch at the tip – to catch the force of the ejaculate! do you think you're turning me on by having unsafe sex? well, it's not a turn-on for me. i have a promotion coming to me. i don't want to get aids. oh god, just get it over with. will you call me before thanksgiving? what are you doing tonight? that's nice. we were supposed to have dinner at tad and maura's, but-you know how luis is. you never noticed. listen. patrick. can we talk? isn't that special? patrick? patrick? nothing.