you look really familiar. did you you go to dalton? i think i met you at au bar, didn't i ? with spicey? well, maybe not with spicey but it was definitely at au bar. you know, au bar? anyway, au bar sucks now, it's terrible. i went to a birth day party there for malcolm forbes. oh my god, please. oh god! i met him at, oh god, the kentucky derby in '86-no, '87, and. you were hanging out with that bimbo allison poole. hot number. if you had an american express card she'd give you a blowjob. listen, this girl worked in a tanning salon, need i say more?. what do you do? uh huh? where's your phone? i've got to call harley. where do you summer? southampton? oh god, it's his machine. he's a goddamn drug dealer! these are his peak hours. why would i? this tastes weird. harley? it's me. i need your services. translate that anyway you'd like. i'm at- who? i want the number, idiot. anyway, i'm at paul norman's and i'll try you later and if i don't see you at canal bar tomorrow night i'm going to sic my hairdresser on you. did you know that guy who disappeared? didn't he work at pierce & pierce, too? was he a friend of yours? do you have any coke? or halcyon? i'd take a halcyon. patrick, you re a lunatic. let's not get lewd. i'm in no mood to have a lewd conversation. does he do this all the time? no! i'm not a lesbian. why do you think i'd be into that? those are sarah lawrence guys, patrick. you're making me feel weird. you actually listen to whitney houston? you actually have a whitney houston cd? more than one?