no, i'm sorry. i should've made an appointment. was that anything important? hi. i'm donald kimball i'm sorry to barge in on you like this. but i was supposed to talk to luis carruthers and he wasn't in and. well, you're here, so. i know how busy you guys can get. i've been hired by meredith powell to investigate the disappearance of paul owen. nothing like that. i'm just a private investigator. so it's nothing that official. i just have some basic questions. about paul owen. about yourself- no. i'm okay. no, i'm okay. oh no, i'm okay. the disappearance of paul owen. i think his family wants this kept quiet. no, really. i'm okay. just some preliminary questions that i need for my own files, okay? how old are you? where did you go to school? your address? nice. very nice. pardon me, but are you okay? you seem. nervous. i know. i'm sorry. would you rather i not smoke? you sure? what can you tell me about paul owen? how well did you know him? yale thing? what do you mean. yale thing? so. there's nothing you can tell me about paul owen? what kind of man was he? besides. the information you've just given. do you feel that way? where did paul hang out? yeah. you know. hang out. he had a yacht? and where did he go to school? i just wanted to know if you know. i understand. anything else you can tell me about owen? so was i. well, there's a message on his answering machine saying he went to london. his girlfriend doesn't think so. actually, yes. well, i've had a hard time getting an actual verification. a stephen hughes says he saw him at a restaurant there, but i checked it out and what happened is, he mistook a hubert ainsworth for paul, so. was he involved at all , do you think, in occultism or satan worship? i know it sounds like a lame question, but in new jersey i know this sounds like a lame question, but last month-i don't know if you've heard about this, but a young stockbroker was recently arrested and charged with murdering a young chicano girl and performing voodoo rituals with various body parts- yeah, i know, and was into that whole yale thing. no. no, it actually hadn't. toiletries were missing. a suit was gone. so was some luggage. that's it. no, not yet. as i said, we're not sure. but. basically no one has seen or heard anything. it's just strange. one day someone's walking around, going to work, alive, and then. people just. disappear. eerie. really eerie. isn't the four seasons a little far uptown? i mean aren't you going to be late? oh really? i didn't know that. listen, if anything occurs to you, any information at all. great, and thanks for your, uh, time, mr. bateman. mr. bateman? kimball. call me don. so. you hang out here a lot? 0h no. informal conversations, mostly. what's that, stoli? too true. you know, bateman-people tend to reveal so much more about themselves when they're in a relaxed setting, don't you think? some people just can t help themselves. another stoli? i mean they want to get caught. i actually came to see timothy price, but he's taken a leave of absence. not really. do you remember where you were on the night of paul's disappearance? which was on the twentieth of december? wait. that's not what i've got. that's not the information i've received. let's see. that you were with- well. when was the last time you were with paul owen? well, thank you, mr. bateman. listen, i'm a little spent for now but how about lunch in a week or so when i've sorted out all this information? and if you could try and pin down where you were the night of owen's disappearance, it would make my job a lot easier. huey lewis and the news. great stuff. heard it? i just bought it on my way here. not a big music fan, eh? well, to each his own. so-lunch, thursday? i'll call your secretary about reservations. no hash browns? but. everyone orders the hash browns here. i mean- it's-have you been here before? suit yourself, i guess. so, the night he disappeared? any new thoughts on what you did? i think maybe you've got your dates mixed up. according to his date book, and this was verified by his secretary, he had dinner with. marcus halberstam. i've questioned him. yes. and he denies it. though at first he couldn't be sure. yes. yes. i checked it out. it's clean. he wasn't with paul owen. he was at atlantis with craig mcdermott, frederick dibble, harry newman, george butner and – - you. personally i think the guy went a little nutso. split town for a while. maybe he did go to london. sightseeing. drinking. whatever. anyway, i'm pretty sure he'll turn up sooner or later. i mean, to think that one of his friends killed him, for no reason whatsoever would be too ridiculous. isn't that right, patrick?