hello, halberstam. nice tie. how the hell are you? how's the ransom account going, marcus? really? that's interesting. not great? and how's cecilia? she's a great girl. thank you, baxter. call me. no can do. got a res at eight-thirty at dorsia. great sea urchin ceviche. there is a stunned silence as he walks away and sits in a corner of the room, ostentatiously studying papers. no, i want to know. i came here for the cilantro crawfish gumbo, which is after all the only excuse one could have for being in this restaurant, which is by the way, almost completely empty. am i to believe that all ten people in this restaurant have eaten your entire supply of cilantro crawfish gumbo? double absolut martini. this is a real beehive of, uh, activity, halberstam. yeah, well, you're late. we should've gone to dorsia. i could've gotten us a table. i could tell you that, halberstam, but then i'd have to kill you. great tan, marcus. really impressive. where do you tan? i've got a tanning bed at home. you should look into it. and cecelia, how is she? where is she tonight? evelyn. great ass. goes out with that loser patrick bateman. what a dork. no, man. i'm gonna bail. they're okay. hey, halberstam? why are there copies of the style section all over the place? do you have a dog? a chow or something? is that a raincoat?