when the noise subsides. who nods his head and looks at drew. who is walking along through the stupa, meditating as he walks. the ball is heading right for his head! who at the last moment turns and catches the ball like a professional receiver. he holds the ball and looks right at drew, a very stern look on his face. his stern face now taking on a mischevious look. he hefts the ball and puts his fingers on the laces. who is walking towards the side of the temple, away from the party. who is walking in the bamboo grove, his hands behind him. drew walks up to him and they bow. could he have known? who indicates trevor with a inclination of his head. who is not used to shows of affection. he is lost for a moment, then his face softens and he returns drew's embrace. they break and bow again, and san de moves off. drew stands there holding the golden sash, the rising sun of the first day of the rest of his life shining in the b.g.