i do. but wouldn't it make more sense for you to speak chinese than to expect us to speak english? why do you want to find the temple? i'm going that way i can take you. the next best thing. hop on. we are here. i have to help my grandfather with our stand. if you get a chance, come by later. good luck. drew? what happened? you've had enough. maybe it's for the best, drew. you belong in america. new not now, bau bau. my nickname for him. he wants to tell you a story about the temple. he is telling a story about a monk who was refused admission into the temple. it broke his heart not to be allowed to be a monk. he decided not to leave. he stayed in the courtyard until they let him in. a long time through the worst weather. he just sat there, unmoving, through rain, sleet, snow. no. of course they did what kind of story do you think my what are you going to do? are you going home? drew shakes his head. give this up, drew! please? my bau bau says, keep it up! he is proud of you. they are disciples. this is the last class for fighting monks at shaolin. drew, very concerned, watches as the monks-to-be file through the temple doors. the mothers and fathers of the boys watch proudly as the last ones go through. the temple doors close. i'm sorry, drew. it was a good effort. drew is sitting there, trying to understand what is happening when the door to the temple opens again. the drill sergeant appears in the doorway and impatiently motions for drew to come in. the crowd has stopped and is watching the drama unfold. drew gets up warily, expecting some trick. the drill sergeant motions again, wanting drew to hurry up. drew looks at ashema and her bau bau and smiles. he picks up his backpack and starts towards the temple, limping from sitting for so long. the crowd goes crazy, clapping and yelling. drew runs into the temple. the door closes behind him. how do you like the temple? my school is having a party this tuesday night. can you and your friends come? li and the guys immediately hem and haw their negative replies, but drew smiles and takes ashema's hand. the girls start to giggle again. he brings her hand up to his lips, and kisses it gently. are they making you do this? she wants to hear that they are, even if it's not true. she needs to hear it.