master kwan! master kwan! i'm sorry, very sorry! is taking the glued-on cups of wax off his shoulders, while peeling the already hard wax off his chest. practicing. i saw it in this movie. kwan shakes his head and walks over to drew, standing in front of him. i'll still win. besides, the shaolin monks never had tapes to study. they did it this way. right? the best? look, bob, i'm not bothering you, am i? i'm not your son, bob. lay off. it is a threat, one that bob almost takes up. kwan feels the tension in the room, and starts to say something. when i'm the best fighter in the country, i'm not going to let you be part of my entourage. just leave me alone, bob, ok? i never asked for anything from you. no next time, master. maybe. . you should find a new student. i just can't do it i'm not getting any better! you mean. all the stories? why are you telling me this? so you're not a shaolin? never were? if you are not a shaolin warrior, then i will become one. i'm going to the shaolin temple they can train me so i will never lose like that again. kwan feels drew's forehead. a long beat here as kwan studies drew's eyes. no! i'll make it there myself. master. where is the shaolin temple? shaolin? hello, ladies! can you tell me how to get to the shaolin temple? the shaolin temple? how hard can that be? geez, doesn't anyone speak english here? i am going to join the temple as a monk. ashema translates this for her friends, and they titter anew. they gesture to drew's longish hair and laugh, and then make some attempts at martial arts movements. you have a car? whoa! ashema climbs off the back and takes the bike from drew, marveling at his awe-struck face. shaolin monks don't need luck. excuse me, master. no answer. hello? busy, huh? still no answer. the man is just slamming his hand into the post, over and over. drew sighs and walks on. he goes down a path, and flowering bushes are on either side of him. he can see the "pagoda forest" in the distance. at the end of the path, a monk, san de, is sweeping up the path. drew walks up to the monk and bows. master, may i ask you a question? no answer nor response. drew's kind of tired of this treatment. what's the deal here? is everybody deaf in this temple? even if you heard me, you wouldn't understand, would you? huh, baldy? shine your head for a quarter? he walks off frustrated, wondering what he has to do to get noticed. he walks back into the chanting chamber. int. temple same day the monks are still chanting. drew stands there, listening some more, moving with the beat, until they stop chanting. drew, thinking it was some kind of performance, claps his hands. that was great! great! so you can see me?!? i'm not a tourist! i want to be a monk! the monk stops, his face a mask of shock. he calls to another monk, and they have a short conversation in chinese. what do you mean, sir? i didn't come all this way, from america, to get turned away. i want in. i want to become a shaolin monk. not in this case. i'm not leaving. i just want to be a monk! hey! what about my. hi. make it a double. rough day. they kicked me out. dissolve to: i have to do this. i can't go home, not until i'm a monk. i'd be even more of a disgrace. the old man talks to ashema for the first time. he chatters in chinese, motioning towards drew. bau bau? what did he do? how long? did they let him in? please tell your grandfather, your bau bau, he is a wise man. and that he tells a good story. the grandfather smiles at him, nodding his head. i'm camping out. in front of the temple. you. you speak english? i'm sorry, i was just goofing. i apologize, master. i didn't mean to make fun of you. san de shrugs it off. apology accepted. i want to become a monk they won't let me in. hey, you're just a grunt, a janitor sweeping up and all, don't sweat it. it's not your problem. i got the idea from a story about a monk who wouldn't leave. i thought. it was at first. i was uncomfortable, in pain, actually, but as time went on, i got. into it, i guess. the sacrifice made me feel. in control, you know what i mean? at first i was really bored, and very lonely. but then, it was an incredible experience i said i'd do it, and i did it. san de, watching drew intently, smiles at this last. he stands up and bows to drew. drew bows back, from his seated position. same to you. sure do, master. you bet. i do. the drill sergeant comes up behind drew and whacks him in the side with his elbow. yes, without pause. the drill sergeant nods his head. yes, without pause. i mean, no, of course not. then, another gong sounds, and the quizzing is concluded. a figure moves down a corridor in beautiful robes. everyone bows down, their eyes on the floor, to the figure, who is moving towards the raised platform in the center. drew, also bowed down, sneaks a peak at the figure. it is san de! san de catches his eye and smiles slightly. he winks at drew, then clears his throat. everyone stands up again. oh, unbelievable, in the same place. you got a problem, man? great, just great. what are you doing, man? no way, man! get your own. what's with that guy? really? i hadn't noticed. why'd they let him in, anyway? no, that was me. mr. james designs my hair, master. i don't think. can't i just wear a patch? what outside world? i don't want to be seen by anybody. he rubs his hand over his head, and then sees the others. li is smiling. if i look half as stupid as you guys do, i'm really in trouble. jerk! li comes over to the new bed, and in silence they get climb into their respective beds. d.s. switches off the lights, then leaves, and drew stares up at the ceiling. thanks for what you did. new york city. you? amazing. i'll tell you about. blow me! good night, li. you got to be kidding. the d.s. comes up behind and grabs the bowl from him. i didn't say i wasn't going to eat it. geez! he turns to the rest of the disciples. well, at least we start training today, right, guys? wonder what they'll start us with first? we're using the shovels as weapons? latrines? why? i came halfway around the world to dig latrines? i could have just joined the army. "ain't no cure for the shaolin temple blues. " what'd you do that for? i'm gonna get you, man. oh, yeah. gao is laughing as he watches drew go. ext. shaolin temple same day don't tell me, i know. get more water. no chance, gao. you back up. gao smiles and shakes his head. gao starts forward, and whacks drew in the leg with a leg sweep. drew tries to keep his balance, and fights a valient, but losing battle. he falls over the side, the dirt in his buckets flying everywhere. gao wipes his hands off and continues walking. come out, goddamn it! show yourself! so what is this 'night soil' stuff anyway? oh, man! you guys actually use this as fertilizer? that's disgusting! hi, gao. how you doing? there's something on the bottom of your basket. oops! i think i found the problem. this is ridiculous. i've got an idea on how to get even with our beloved drill sergeant. they all huddle a little closer. ext. shaolin temple day we came here to train, not to be slaves! we're free men. an uninformed choice is no choice at all! we have to stand up for our rights! if they don't even know we're dissatisfied, things will never change. are we men or mice? sheep or the shepherd? i'm for going to the headmaster right now! they are all ready. they head for the door, but gao doesn't move. drew stops at the door and turns to gao. you're either with us, gao, or you're against us. master san de! we have something to say. i request permission to go first. no, really, i want to. san de holds up his hand. he is the final authority. i. i mean we, just wanted to. thank you for the opportunity to be part of the illustrious history of the shaolin temple. gentlemen, this calls for a party! he runs to his backpack and pulls out a boom box with speakers, and puts on some good old american rock 'n' roll. everyone, but gao, is moving in time with the music. drew is the most accomplished dancer, but the others are pretty bad. the entire effect of the bald-headed monks rocking out is very comic. drew starts showing li and wu a couple of dance routines . everyone is having a great time. i'm just trying to have a party. chill out! what do you mean, 'think not thinking'? i can't do this! this isn't martial arts it's gymnastics! excuse me, master, but there aren't any mats here. let's do it. i'm not sure i got that last throw clear in my mind. if you're getting too old for this kind of training, i understand. i think i've got it now. xie xie! the group disburses, shaking their heads in wonder. li comes up to drew, who is still lying on the ground. he hurts more than me, he's just not bleeding, that's all. i appreciate your concern, li, but it's not that serious. i'm all right. thought i'd join you guys. int. temple training hall day i know, but. this sure beats sweeping. yes, master. presenting, the greatest fighter in the history of the shaolin temple. drew carson! drew holds his broom over his head, nodding his head to the imaginary crowd. the crowd is going wild. just then, out of the shadows comes an attacking staff, slamming into drew's unprotected stomach! drew, ready to double over in pain, hears the staff hit the frisbee, and stands up straight, adjusting the frisbee that saved his stomach. before he can react, the staff smacks him in the back of the head and sends him pitching to the floor. yeah, what's up with him? impossible. it's just not the way i was taught. master! stop! no more will go in! it's not fighting i feel like i'm dancing or something. this soft stuff is unnatural fighting should be hard, tough. again, deformed. the d.s. nods and walks off, leaving drew to stare questioningly at li. ext. shaolin temple day establishing shot of temple courtyard, where all the disciples are chill out, guys! it's our day off! check it out, guys! good work, wu. what tipped you off? it's a stupid rule, li. but. he is about to turn away, then spots ashema as she runs down a path to the group of girls. he stands up immediately and starts over to her. he is jogging, at the same time trying to straighten his clothes and his hat. li starts running after drew. the others follow. ashema! ashema! here! she looks at drew again, and this time recognizes him. drew arrives and impulsively he gives her a hug, genuinely very happy to see her. li arrives and pulls them apart. what!?! who's going to tell, li? you? thanks. shhh. nobody's supposed to know. li tugs at drew's shirt. i'm trying to show you guys a good time. i guess i gotta go. it was great to see you. we'll be there. int. dorm room night establishing shot of dorm room, li standing in front of drew, the why not? we're working hard, we deserve some r & r. we've earned this. back home in new york, you don't say no to a party. where's your sense of adventure? you dance, and talk. and have a good time. that's easy. you just talk to them like you would to the look, dancing's easy. i'll show you. we'll start with slow dancing. an oooh escapes from the guys. dirty dancing! you guys grab a pillow for a partner, while i find some slow music. just move in time to the music, nothing elaborate. think of it as a soft form. loosen up, li. she's not going to bite! this is going to be great. i thought this was light contact! you got it. before he can move, however, gao attacks, slamming him full power in the face. drew almost falls to the ground, then attacks him and the battle is joined. the fighting is fast and furious, and soon the others see what is happening, and gather around. one of the monks comes over and tries to break it up, but they continue fighting, wrestling, kicking and punching. it was my fault. i started it. disciple gao was better than me. drew pauses, and gao is even more surprised at the revelation. i lost my temper. he was only defending himself. the best fighter? ten more seconds and i would have kicked your ass. gao smiles and walks through the door. just as he passes drew, he punches him in the stomach. now, we're ready! gao, you coming or what? are we men or are we sheep? great party. play this when i signal, ok? she nods and walks off. drew motions for gao and the guys to come over. they do, and when they do, drew turns to the giggle girls ladies, allow me to introduce my best friends in all of china. he drags gao over to one of the prettier girls. this is gao. and this wild man is li. drew does the same for li, wu, su, sou and all the others, forcing them to stand with the girls for a moment. when everyone is paired off, he motions to ashema. hit it! not now, li. the hand comes in again, punching drew in the shoulder hard. what can i do for you? no, thanks. he turns back to ashema, but she is pulled back by the giggle girls, away from danger. the tough spins drew around and pushes him hard. one of the toughs has already gotten behind him, on his knees, and drew goes flipping over the tough, landing hard on the ground, the wind knocked out of him. can't we talk this over? did you say you were going to keep us out of trouble? the group pauses for a beat, then they all laugh, relaxing. int. dinner room day i think we might have. if they knew, they'd have already gotten us! you guys just have to stop looking so guilty. let's go back to the dorm for a few minutes, go over our stories in case they seperate us. cops! somebody called the cops?!? before anyone can answer, the door opens and the d.s. walks into the room, his face serious. chill out, honey! drew catches a hard look from the d.s. master, i can't tell you how sorry i am. i appreciate you both going to bat like that for me. i won't let it happen again. but i thought. the police. i'm sorry, master. it doesn't have to be fair. dissolve to: i hate long goodbyes anyway. i'm with you! a cheer goes up from the entire group as drew, li and gao embrace. in the b.g. can be seen the d.s., who is observing all this. int. san de chamber day establishing shot of san de's chamber, san de waiting for drew in one within myself? what if i can't handle it? what if i fail? i don't want to let them down. yeah, i'm staying. if only to keep you guys out of trouble! they walk off, and just as they round a corner, a bang is heard as one of the monks drops the heavy wooden lid of a storage barrell. drew jumps, spinning around in the direction of the sound. yeah, i'm just a little on edge, that's all. ever since i got to the temple, some nut has been attacking me with a stick at night, in the toilet. anywhere! it's driving me crazy. gao and li look at each other, nodding. what? honest, it's happening! i. special training? you mean? ashema, beautiful ashema, i can't see you anymore. i will. miss you and remember you. always. no. it is my choice, and my responsibility. i'm sorry. he embraces her for the last time, and she openly begins to cry. he holds her for a moment, then breaks the embrace and with one last long look at ashema, walks away. ext. training area day 103 with pleasure. drew tries another kip, pushing his feet towards the d.s.' chest. he lands on his feet easily, surprised. ext. waterfall day allright! i did it! as soon as he finishes saying that, the staff comes out and slams him in the stomach, sending drew to his knees in pain. ext. training area day boy, his spirit is strong. i left that girl at the stream. are you two still carrying her? he turns and walks away, leaving li and gao to puzzle that one out. as he walks away, san de comes out from behind a pillar where he had been sweeping, smiling and nodding his head at drew's answer. lucky shot, slant eye! that's it! you're dead meat! saved by the bell. i wonder what you did now. int. san de chamber day i will, master. ok, boys, just let me get my glass and. drew, not looking for trouble, bends down to pick up the glass, and the leader kicks him in the rear end, sending him pitching to the this humble, not fighting stuff is harder, and more painful, than it looks! oh, i don't think so. no, don't do that! i'm a monk. i've taken a vow to abstain. i'll know! throw me my clothes, please. pouting, the woman takes drew's pants and tosses them to him, but they land about 5 feet away from the lake edge. nice throw. despite the fact that this is every teenage boy's dream come true, i can't! he lowers her hands, and her head drops, pouting. besides, if i were to break my vows, it would not be with you. oh mi two fwo he then turns and walks away. i'll say. ext. waterfall early morning just like at the temple. he starts out, jumping onto the first stone, then moving on to the others. he almost falls a couple of times, but regains his balance. he gets a rythm going, and is soon almost halfway across. he gets to one particular rock, only to find out that it's the head of an alligator! its mouth opens to bite him! drew jumps off it quickly, onto a tree stump. when he lands on the stump, he examines it carefully to make sure it isn't something else. he continues across, more careful this time. is this rope strong enough for both of us? no answer from the man, who is now pushing drew to go faster. he is inching up closer to him, and occassionally kicking him to go quicker. ok, ok, i'm going! hold on. drew hears the headmaster's voice. what the heck. drew reaches down for the man's hand, letting the box fall. their hands meet, and drew pulls him up. what am i going to tell the arhat? maybe he won't miss one little scroll. he shakes his head and starts for the front door. master! i apologize, i did not see you. the arhat says nothing, but just puts out his hand for the scroll. drew bows again, and gets down on his knees. i failed, master. a person was in danger. the arhat holds up his hand, and drew stops talking. of course, you're right. no excuses. you have it? how? so, i didn't fail, huh? what is the meaning of life? no. american. how many succeeded? but, i didn't obey. i have to leave. what is the easiest way to get back to the temple. thank you, master. we've got to rebuild this? master san de, i am part of the disciple class, am i not? then i must pass this final test. furthermore, i request that i be the first one through. what did you do that for? i can't do it. i am a shaolin monk. he enters the chamber again, and the attacks start again. drew, however, is prepared . he blocks, avoids, rolls, jumps and redirects the attacks on him, making his way across. he is about halfway across when an especially fierce and large statue comes crashing towards him. drew, caught a little off guard, quickly adjusts and manages to jump and spin out of the way. not this time. drew quickly walks through the door. ext. temple same day establishing shot of cheering assemblage, san de and d.s. at the front. he has made it! i wouldn't have made it through without you. yes. anything. no problem. without pause. are we late? did you think he would get into the finals? i'll help any way i can. i came to the shaolin temple because of you, trevor. you humiliated me, and i wanted to make sure it could never happen again. i've learned that. there's nothing to prove. beating you is no longer important. it was my ego that had to be defeated, not you. the arts should never be about who is best they are too important for that. no, master. i will not fight for personal glory, or for my ego. for the temple. drew climbs into the ring. nothing exists but the moment, and.