shut up! you, american. i want another bed. i won't sleep next to the american. well, this monk smells! drew unconsciously smells himself. he shakes his head. li goes up to the d.s. and points to the bed he was assigned. shut up! back up and let me pass. he just wasn't good enough. i wouldn't be surprised if half of us go out the same way. the d.s. appears and motions for them to work. int. meditation hall day establishing shot of disciples, drew in the middle, sitting in rows let me pass. he reaches down and plucks a stick out of the earth at his feet, and then closes on gao a little bit. they haven't changed for centuries, why should we listen to you? you're trying to get us all kicked out! it's not over, american. int. main chamber morning establishing shot of chamber full of fighting monks, all going my turn. he attacks, and drew gets to the final technique. he blocks the way he did before, and he gets slammed brutally by gao. gao stands over him, smiling. like you know? fight, you coward! drew stares at gao, then looks around for the d.s. he is over at the other side of the training area. yes. but, i am not completely blameless. yours? san de nods. in your dreams. int. dorm room day i'm coming, just to keep you out of trouble! drunken kung fu. drew nods and leads them out of the temple. ext. temple same night i can't believe nobody's said anything! it's been a whole day! why only you? you're either with us or against us, remember? are you staying? every class of disciples, the one with the most potential is singled out for special training. we were wondering who it was. now, we know. what if i hurt him? i can't believe you carried that girl over the stream! after all the trouble you got into. you stink, american! i had you. master, the american is insulting the temple, and the fighting monks. someone should face him in combat. for the tradition of the temple. san de looks at drew long and hard.