oh, yes, especially in this case. you give me no choice. do you accept the authority of the shaolin patriarchs? do you renounce the earthly world? will you abide by the rules of the temple, even if it means death? who is the patriarch of the shaolin temple? do you accept the shr fu at the shaolin temple as your spiritual leaders? will a fighting monk ever use his skills for personal gain? you must surrender this. in order to keep our bodies strong, bodhidharma gave us a series of exercises and breathing techniques. because the times demanded action, we developed shaolin style wu shu from these exercises. he goes through a couple of martial movements. the spirit of bodhidharma remains. training is like meditation. be aware of everything, but aware of nothing in particular. think not thinking. non thinking. your training begins today, in this most sacred of training halls. the floor bears witness to the efforts of fighting monks from centuries past. at the shaolin temple, we forge our bodies in the fire of our wills. we adhere to a vow of non-violence, unless someone else is in danger. follow my movements. block the way i showed you. do it this way. you won't get hit. emotions cloud the spirit eliminate them. this is shaolin wu shu. continue. the goal of this drill is not to hurt your partner. just try to tap his chest. then do it that way. the monk walks away, shaking his head.