avoid the reeking herd! shun the polluted flock! live like that stoic bird, the eagle of the rock! the only way to live, son. look at that fool over there. what's he wearing? mmph! isn't that somethin! people have gone crazy. they'll buy any kinda junk! probably listening to that loud rock stuff. junk, junk, it's all junk! say, when you gonna bring me in some good records? some nat "king" cole with strings. yeah, you got it. you're keepin' it at home, though! you won't turn loose the good stuff. you just sell the junk! mona lisa, mona lisa. men have named you. let me see this. son, you done good. ya know, i was up in toronto a few weeks back an' i saw the red chinese ballet. now that was beautiful. the way those people were dancing together. those chinese work hard. i tell ya, they work hard -- where is everybody goin'? where these sickly men rushin' off to? they ain't goin' nowhere for now. maybe not for a long time. but damn if they ain't in a rush to get there.