she means in the cinema, that film with john wayne. checkmate. bloody awful if you ask me! here, gladys, tom. did you hear the one about the crashing plane? you be quiet, woman, and let me speak. all right, laugh then. i shan't tell it. no. you've had your chance. oh, all right. there was this airplane over the atlantic on its way to new york. it was full of men from the united nations. here now, let me finish! so halfway over the ocean the engines run low on petrol so they have to lighten the plane. so they heave out all the baggage, but it's still too heavy. so they chuck out the seats, but it's still too heavy! finally this froggy steps up and shouts "viva la france" and leaps out. then an englishman. steps up and shouts `god save the queen!' and leaps out. but the plane is still too heavy. so the yank delegate from texas steps up, shouts, `remember the alamo!' and chucks out the mexican. nothing, lads. go, god be with you. beware the moon, lads! it's murder then. no one brought them here! no one wanted them here! nor i. and where are you from, sir? what? oh, yes, yes. are you a police officer? a story about werewolves - now really, sir.