yes, miss gallagher, miss price is quite right. miss gallagher, surely you must perform some function here at the hospital. then get on with it. can i be of service, miss price? go about your duties. oh, miss price? what exactly did he call out? that would be jack goodman, the boy who was killed. the police report said an escaped lunatic attacked them. he must have been a very powerful man. although i really don't see that it is any of your concern, miss price. hello, david. i am dr. hirsch and this is a countryman of yours, mr. collins. you're in a hospital in london. i should think so after your recent traumatic experiences. now, david, i want you to prepare yourself; your friend is dead. david jolts up in bed and shouts. miss price! miss price, please! prepare a hypodermic, please, miss price. thank you very much, mr. collins. he'll rest now and i'm sure everything will be fine once he's adjusted. he's had quite a shock. you've been unconscious since you were brought in two weeks ago. you've suffered some rather severe cuts and bruises, lost a bit of blood, but nothing too serious; black and blue for a while. you'll have some dueling scars to boast of. that lunatic must have been a very fierce fellow. they say a mad man has the strength of ten. now we've just given you a pretty strong sedative, so try to get some rest now. miss price will see to your needs. rest now. did he say a wolf? but roger is so terribly boring. yes, dear, but couldn't we. i see. thursday at eight, dinner with boring roger. yes, i'm sure i will; if i survived rommel, i suppose i'll survive another excruciating evening with roger mathison. be a good girl. bye. yes? send them in. come in, come in. please sit. some tea? it's no problem. well, then, what can i do for scotland yard? excuse me. yes? what here? tell him i'm out. no, tell him i've passed away. an old war wound or something. tell him i'm dead. and no more calls! you were saying? why don't we ask him? so they said. in time i'm sure it will all come back to you. you've never had bad dreams before? did you get a good look at the man who attacked you? yes. you'd be surprised what horrors a man is capable of. no. in fact, your wounds were cleaned and dressed before you arrived here. i really don't know. david, please. the police are satisfied. i'm certain that if a monster were out roaming northern england we'd have seen it on the telly. believe me. the hound of the baskervilles was an invention of sir arthur conan doyle's. and if you'd read the bloody book, you'd find that holmes discovered your house of hell a fraud, a fake. now really, david. you're far too intelligent to go on this way. when you return to america i want you to seek out a competent psychiatrist or psychologist or something and stop this nonsense. you'll be leaving this hospital in three or four days, please remain sane. at least until you are no longer our responsibility. of course not, david. i'll fetch in young miss price. a drink for a very cold man? campari and soda would do nicely. i suppose guinness will suffice. a thousand thanks. nasty bit of business with those two young american boys. yes, i'm sure that's right. a few weeks ago, the last full moon wasn't it? i mean that escaped lunatic. the one that killed the boy. wasn't that near here? london. knight takes pawn. what's that? i see. you've heard nothing about the incident? the murder? no, no, hardly. i work in the hospital where the kessler boy was brought. he was talking about werewolves and monsters and as i was near here i thought. i thought i'd look into the boy's story. would you like a game of chess? is miss price on duty this evening? miss gallagher, do you know if miss price has seen the kessler boy since his release? come to my office, miss price. sit down, alex. i was in east proctor today. oh dear girl, your extracurricular activities are of no consequence to me. i don't give a damn who you sleep with. i'm concerned about david. it's a full moon. where is he? the number, alex. your number! he's not there. alex, has david persisted in his werewolf fantasies? has his friend appeared to him again? what did he say? warn him? i tried to investigate the attack. there are no records. the case was closed and now they've `misplaced' the file. david's lacerations were cleaned and dressed when he arrived here and yet supposedly no doctor examined him before i did. the goodman boy is already in the ground so he's no good to us. so i went to the pub in east proctor where i was convinced of two things. they were lying. there were no witnesses, no escaped lunatic. the whole community is hiding the truth of what actually happened up there. i think the village of east proctor is hiding some dark and terrible secret. i'm convinced that, like david, they believe in this werewolf. you've absolutely no idea where david might be? david has suffered a severe trauma. i myself witnessed some form of mass neurosis in east proctor. if all the villagers believe that jack goodman was killed by a werewolf, why shouldn't david? and then it follows that if he survived an attack by a werewolf, wouldn't he himself become a werewolf the next full moon? oh, i don't mean running about on all fours and howling at the moon. but in such a deranged state he could harm himself, or perhaps others. let's call the police and see if they can help us find our wandering boy. i'll have one of those, too. alex, have you heard anything? is he all right? why didn't you call me? where was he? the zoo? is he rational? have you read the papers today? have you listened to the radio or television? is david acting strangely? could you get here without any trouble? right. now listen carefully. i want you to bring david here. i want him in my care. i'll notify the police that we've found him. it is imperative that you bring him straight to the hospital. do you understand? you're certain he's lucid? you won't need any help? shall i send a car? i expect you shortly. yes, scotland yard? regardless of what you think, lieutenant, the fact remains that david is missing and that we must find him. precisely. what can we do to assist you? tea would be nice. nurse hobbs said there's a disturbance in leicester square involving some sort of mad dog. i doubt it. but it's something to do. alex!