yes, well thank you very much for the ride, sir. you have lovely sheep. are you cold? good. david. oh, i don't know. i mean look around. isn't this a fun place? i'm sorry. northern england first, italy later. do you think she'll meet me in rome? debbie is not mediocre and she has one of the great bodies of all time. you're talking about the woman i love. well, anyway, do you think she'll be there? rendezvous in rome starring jack goodman and debbie klein. the love affair that shocked europe! see torrid lovemaking at its most explicit! see jack and debbie expose their lust in the sacred halls of the vatican! never has the screen dared. i have to make love to her. it's very simple. she has no choice really. it is impossible for a body like that to be dull. she says she `likes me too much'. the slaughtered lamb? that's a wolf's head. that's not a spear. it's a pike. david, before we go in there i want you to know that - no matter what happens to us - it's your fault. okay. nice to see you. do you have any hot soup? hot chocolate? then you have some hot tea? oh. nice looking group. look at that. it's a five-pointed star. remember the alamo? right, with laurence harvey and everybody died in it. it was very bloody. ask them what the candles are for. listen, that's a pentangle, a five-pointed star. it's used in witchcraft. lon chaney, jr. and universal studios maintain it's the mark of the wolf man. right. go on, ask them. excuse me, but what's that star on the wall for? i'm sorry. what do you mean? i'm starving. apparently so. what the hell was that all about? beware the moon? i don't know. now that we're out here and it's three degrees, i'm not so sure i wouldn't rather face a blood- thirsty mob. what do you think was wrong? maybe that pentangle was for something supernatural. say, david. santa lucia. santa lucia. did you hear that? what was it? yeah? there aren't any coyotes in england. pecos bill. heathcliffe didn't howl. it's a full moon, `beware the moon'. i vote we go back to the slaughtered lamb. shit! david, what is that? come on, where? it's circling us. fuck. plan? do you think it's a dog? oh shit. what is that? nice doggie. good boy. walking away, yes, sir. here we are walking away. no. not far enough. come on. yeah. i'll tell you when we get there. you really scared me, you shithead. jesus fuck! david! please help me! please! david! shit! help me! oh god! david! david! please help me! oh god! david! oh my god! can i have a piece of toast? nice to see you. thanks a lot. i'm aware that i don't look so great, but i thought you'd be glad to see me. david! you're hurting my feelings. i'm sorry to be upsetting you, david, but i had to come. yeah. your parents came to my funeral. i was surprised at how many people came. debbie klein cried a lot. so you know what she does? she's so grief stricken she runs to find solace in rudy levine's bed. life mocks me even in death. david! david, now i know this may be hard for you, but i have to warn you. i'm a grisly sight, it's true; but i love you and that's why i'm here. you've got to know. we were attacked by a werewolf. on the moors, we were attacked by a lycanthrope, a werewolf. i was murdered, an unnatural death, and now i walk the earth in limbo until the werewolf's curse is lifted. the wolf's bloodline must be severed. the last remaining werewolf must be destroyed. it's you, david. you survived and now you shall continue the curse. remember what that guy at the slaughtered lamb said? `beware the moon.' beware the moon. the full moon, david. you've got two days. you'll stalk the streets of london a creature of the night. david, please believe me. you will kill people, david. you've got to stop the bloodshed before it begins. listen to me! take your own life, david. it's our only chance. the supernatural! the powers of darkness! it's all true. take your own life! suicide, david. join me. it's cold, david, and i'm so alone. the undead surround me. have you ever talked to a corpse? it's boring! i'm lonely! kill yourself, david, before you kill others. don't cry, david. please don't cry. beware the moon, david. don't be an asshole, david. come here. i wanted to see you. david, i'm sorry i upset you yesterday, but you must understand what is going on. yes. david, tomorrow night is the full moon. you'll change, you'll become. you must take your own life now, david, before it's too late. what do you think? you must believe me. the canines will be real. you'll taste real blood! god damit, david, please believe me! you'll kill and make others like me! i'm not having a nice time, david! don't allow this to happen again! you must take your own life! this is not pretend, david. hi, david. you don't have to say anything. if i was still alive, i probably would. thank you. what about the zoo? i want you to meet some people. david kessler, this is gerald bringsly. gerald is the man you murdered in the subway. we thought it best you didn't see him as he's a fresh kill and still pretty messy. david, this is harry berman and his fiancee judith browns. and these gentlemen are alf, ted, and joseph. suicide. because this must be stopped. if you did it wrong, it would be painful. you'd choke to death. do you mind? the man's a friend of mine. be serious, would you?