une vache. we've heard of it. but we've never eaten it. no. of course not. god, you're right, tina. i hadn't thought of that. look at her. because no man's ever going to ask us out to supper. not until we're ladies, anyway. you're going to have to tell us everything. otherwise it's not fair. charming! what the hell are those? where did they come from? he's taking you to paris? this term? oh, my god! your birthday! but your parents are just going to let you swan off like that? so you have a good-looking boyfriend with pots of money, brains and a nice car. those funny cigarettes you were smoking. sobranies. ten packets each. a suite? oh my god. your life. you're not, are you? we'll miss it. a franc is too much, isn't it? oh my god. is that really what i think it is? i'm going to be a bridesmaid! three scenes. two. two. two. i can't believe it. we should have stopped you. well, if you'd told us that we might have tried to stop you. are you getting on with the work all right on your own?