come. ah. miss mellor. we're all very excited about your forthcoming trip to paris. our excitement, indeed, knows no bounds. some of us can talk of little else. an older man, i understand. a word of warning, miss mellor. please. i'm surprised that you two are standing in front of me. i'm not surprised to find you here, miss mellor, though i do feel rather like the judge who sent al capone to prison for tax evasion. we take a very dim view of smoking. we take an even dimmer view of some of your other behaviour, which as far as we know has taken place off school premises. your appearance here today, however, allows me to remind you that we are trying to teach you how to become young ladies, not nightclub hostesses. in reality, of course, you are neither. you are merely silly little girls. detention after school. go away. how far advanced are these ridiculous plans? have you set a date? have you decided on a church? jewish? he's a jew? you're aware, i take it, that the jews killed our lord? i suppose he told you that. we're all very sorry about what happened in the war. but there's no excuse for that sort of malicious and untruthful propaganda. anyway, i can now see that you are even more in need of responsible advice than i realised. is it true that you don't intend to sit for your exams? and therefore you won't be applying for university? what do you think you're doing? nobody does anything worth doing without a degree. so what i do isn't worth doing. or what miss stubbs does, or mrs wilson, or any of us here. because none of us would be here without our degrees, you realise that, don't you? and yes, of course studying is hard, and boring, and. i'm sorry? because without formal qualifications. it doesn't have to be teaching, you know. there's the civil service. so. your jewish friend turned out to be married already, i understand. how unfortunate. anyway. how do you think we can help? i got the impression the last time we spoke that you didn't see the point of school. or of me, or of any of us here. so what is the point? and what happens if some other chap wants to marry you during your studies next year? i'm afraid i think you're the sort of young lady who attracts chaps whether she wants to or not. no,i think the offer of a place at this school would be wasted on you. you showed how little you valued us only weeks ago. and i must confess that it gives me a sort of grim satisfaction to return the sentiment now. it gives me no pleasure to see our schoolgirls throw their lives away. although, of course, you're not one of our schoolgirls any more. through your own volition. oh, you're not a woman.