i was hoping we'd miss the beginning, and then it wouldn't be worth going in, and we could go off dancing or something. look. we can leave our coats over there. i want to get rid of this. that's ok. it's nice, isn't it? oh, south ken somewhere. this is. well, it's good for this sort of concert, isn't it? we should go shopping together one day, if you want. sorry? no you didn't. you said something completely different. in french? why? anyway. it's too expensive for me, too. we don't have to worry about that. if you want something in south ken, get david to take you shopping. oh, i do hope so. i always think i'm going to my own funeral when i listen to classical music. that was classical, wasn't it? you've got a french conversation teacher? is that why you suddenly speak french for no reason? better than here, really. certainly not me. give it to jenny. oh, behave yourselves. nearly ready! there. you'll do. you can keep it. i can only wear so many every day. what about tonight? will you be needing a nightie? or not? you're not sleeping with him? good for you. you're only sixteen. and you don't want to get into the family way, do you? with david? when's your birthday? oh, he'll be around in april. if that's what you want. anyway. i'll find you a nightie. i know. oh, it's always like this. there are millions of places i've never seen because i've been stuck in here. there's never anywhere to go in the places they stop. i'm confused now. i thought you'd made him up? dirty old man. why are university girls so strange-looking? it's true. and they can't all have started off that way, can they? most girls aren't ugly, but most girl students are. so there must be something about those places that, you know, makes you fat, or spotty, or short-sighted. i'm still not quite clear on what you want to do when you get here. books? you want to read english books? jenny. we don't go in. they won't be long. either way. sometimes they find something, sometimes they don't. and when they do find something, we usually have to leave quite quickly. they can be a bit naughty, sometimes. anyway. it's nice to have company. i'm usually outside on my own. coo-ee. jenny. no. be sneezy. congratulations. don't worry. someone told me that in fifty years no-one will speak latin, probably. not even latin people. so you shouldn't mind too much about your b. that's. gosh. that's fantastic news. i thought you'd see sense about university. you'll stay pretty now. english? books? you won't be laughing when she goes all speccy and spotty, david. i don't really understand what difference it makes. when i found out that.