how's your mother, graham? who are they from? who's `him'? a chap who sends flowers? so he's a man-chap? jack,i'm afraid jenny has been sent some flowers by a chap. objection noted. jenny? it's in westminster. just around the corner from the abbey. i had a life before we were married, you know. jack, she wants to see someone who can play. she doesn't want to see sheila kirkland scratching away. i'll take her. jack! thank you. so shall i book some tickets for something? have a nice time. it's called after-shave, jack. and it makes a change from carbolic soap. nobody's ever going to get confused about you, dear. oh, hello, love. did you have a nice time? i can't get this casserole dish clean. we had hot-pot tonight, and it's all burnt round. i know what the time is. how was your evening? and he took you home in his car? right to the door? and i'm glad you enjoyed the concert. i'll talk to him. the test didn't. well, it didn't go as well as we'd hoped. everyone's doing their best, jack. you don't mean that. what about private tuition? five shillings an hour. maybe a little more for a-level. and what else are we spending five bob on? what else are we spending sixpence on? it was, actually. it was a present from auntie vi. jack. i'm trying to think what you missed. nothing much comes to mind. isn't that funny? cs lewis? that's the clive you're talking about? jenny used to love those books. sounds like too good an opportunity to pass up. did you have a nice time? "clive". lucky girl. what was he like? and did he show you round? what did you think? did it make you want to work harder? david's a lot older than graham. well, they say opposites attract, don't they? i wouldn't have thought he was your sort. is that how you feel, jenny? i've asked graham round for tea and birthday cake. i happened to be talking to his mother about something, and. i thought it would be nice. are we expecting david to turn up? really? who'd like a piece? and ours too, come to that. wait for me. i can take her. has somebody asked you? what did you tell him? do you have any choice? or is it too late. jack! you have to put the cosy on straight away. no. on the tea-pot. jenny! we could walk to. we could walk to the british museum! i'll leave you to it. don't let it stew. don't worry. he'll find a nice place in no time. he sees plenty of them. you won't be bored, you know. he's not boring. of course. eamonn andrews is the poshest person that jack can imagine being. did you see her? i wondered how stupid you were. now i know.