jenny. again. i knew that in the end `jane eyre' would work its magic upon you. i'm presuming that's what you're so animated about. ah. a mr rochester figure. is there no end to your thirst for literary understanding, jenny? as you may have noticed, i'm attempting to turn the subject away from jenny's lurid love-life and towards the matter in hand. and it's quite clear on this evidence that most of you know much too much about the former, and almost nothing about the latter. reluctantly i must concede that jenny is evidently an expert on both matters. excellent as always, jenny. jenny, the headmistress would like a word at the end of the lesson. i'm afraid that the legend of mr rochester may have travelled further than you intended. jenny, could i have a word? you can do anything you want, jenny. you know that. you're clever and you're pretty. but sometimes those things fight. i'm worried that at the moment clever jenny and pretty jenny are fighting. i couldn't bear it if clever jenny lost. it's because of people like you that i plough through illiterate essays by sandra lovell about her pony. and there aren't many of you, i can tell you. one every few years. is your boyfriend interested in clever jenny? interested enough to let her do what she wants? he might not have to stop you. that's what i'm trying to tell you. i'm telling you to go to oxford. no matter what. or you'll break my heart. sorry? girton. cambridge. what does that mean? `oh'? i'm sure you have. but i was filled up with beautiful things, books and music and conversation, in exactly the same way at cambridge. and i didn't have to pay the same sort of price. are you taking precautions, jenny? isn't it? i'm sorry you think i'm dead. you'd better get to your next class. yes, when it says `sings', it means he sings those words. never mind. lear. oh, jenny. take it off. you know there's a school rule about jewelry. yes. but none of it is going to ruin their lives. let's see who's right. come with me. please don't make me drag you out like a child. jenny! oh, it's not hard. go to oxford and become a teacher and this is what you end up with. penguin paperbacks. posters and postcards. let's forget all about it. you make it sound as though it's an original. do you like him? still? gosh, you sound very old and wise. i was so hoping that's what you were going to say.