we still don't have to like him. i wouldn't feel anything if my mother died. does that make me an existentialist? i'm sorry. i just had the strangest dream. i dreamed you crossed the road and spoke to a handsome man with the most beautiful car i've ever seen. and then you came back and you didn't mention it. `oo wazzee? a spot of supper? oh my god! i've only just realised! that's what's going to happen to you, isn't it? look at her! men are going to pick her up in the street and take her out to supper! we're trying to attract the attention of boys. well, make something up, then. i'm not interested in schubert. i want to know what else was on the programme. things plural? oh my gawd! `jane eyre' and jenny's new boyfriend. it's true. he's more a man- friend, isn't he? he's got a sports-car, miss stubbs. i think he must be as blind as mr rochester. you could always go to secretarial college with hattie. yes. she's got no time for boys. she might have bought them from the savoy, or claridges, or the opera, or some fancy nightclub. who knows, with jenny? you never bought them yourself? shut up, you stuck-up cow. you're joking. isn't it your birthday next tuesday? i wouldn't like to be you. all those dinners you've had off him. ouch. oh, sorry, dr kinsey. we're not all as experienced as you. i mean, you've done it. i make it never! can that be right? i've noticed that. what did he tell them when you had your weekend in oxford? and they tell us there's a god. there are some things you must buy for us, and some things you only have to buy for us if you're a proper, true friend. chanel perfume, chanel perfume. chanel lipstick, chanel lipstick. what have i forgotten? how can you go back to double french when you've had a weekend with an older man in a posh hotel in paris? you wouldn't catch me coming anywhere near this dump. you're going to miss it. all the swanning around in posh hotels. when you go to oxford. unless you're planning on being with david forever. so? won't you miss it? how do you say `a penny for your thoughts?' in french? for her thoughts, yes. you'd be overpaying by about ninety-nine centimes. no. it was an unfair question. you're hopeless at maths. what do you do all day, anyway, lady muck? reading, trying on dresses. where did we go wrong? french. the translation paper. i'm sure my uncle knows someone who could kill him. if that would help. of course we didn't. why would we stop you? restaurants, hotels, foreign cities, no exams. that's the thing about our lives, isn't it? it's so easy to fall asleep, when there's nothing to keep you awake.