i can't believe what you said about him. cold and withholding? you had to tell everybody? can i ask what this is about? we just came from the cemetery. ben -- once today? enough. that was him on the phone? and you didn't tell me? you told her -- you told her at the drop of a hat. agents cerrone and miller eye each other. oh, i see. and i don't. why tell laura? she couldn't possibly handle a phone call. if you don't need me anymore, i'll be in the kitchen. and two words of advice -- from one professional woman to another -- pant. suit. she exits. how could you? how could you bring him here? that -- -- mobster -- in my home -- eating off my dishes. oh, there's a law that says you have to bring a gangster home? you should be in an institution. why couldn't he just go home? ohio! sure. everyone gets to be in ohio except me. how thoughtful! what about endangering our family? i think my teeth are loose. feel my teeth. you didn't want him, i didn't want him, but here he is! she looks up and jumps when she sees vitti standing there. here he is! what? that was you. you said you wanted some. why don't you make your friend some coffee. i'm going upstairs to take a long bath and hopefully drown. laura smiles at the two men, then exits. how long are you going to let them go on? oh, give me a break. she's got to be okay, sometimes you do sound like that. the o.s. moaning kicks up another notch. laura rolls over and jams her pillow over her ears. ben growls, exasperated. aunt ester, i'm so sorry we had to put you up at the hotel. we wanted you here with us, but we had an unexpected house guest. she glares at ben. ben? really. more smoked salmon? don't be shy. ben enters. ben? now in here, i thought we'd get rid of the wallpaper and maybe put in some wainscoting -- she sees vitti and quickly steers the decorator back outside. don't look, don't look. do you realize it's almost noon? you want a sandwich? make it yourself. i'm not afraid of you, mr. oh-i'm-a-great-big-mobster man. i want you out of my house. i've had it with the bathrobe and the skulking around and the girlfriend who, i'm sorry, is so obviously faking it's not even funny. enough! okay. you don't like me and i don't like you. we can at least agree on that, right? i'm going to be honest with you -- i'm a very anxious person -- we have so much in common. anyway, this is not helping me, it's not helping my marriage, and i know ben really needs some alone time. so i'm asking you -- as a human being -- could you please leave? yes, i'll make you a sandwich. we finally got him out of the house -- why are we having dinner with him? i mean, how professional is that? he's a grown man. i don't see why he needs a chaperone. ben, if you say 'buffer' one more time didn't you just take two of those? well, you better not drink anything. you know what happens. i heard him. and i think it was 'effing bait.' too much buffering. way too much. oh, my god. could i get another one, please? no. no more for the buffer. she glares at ben as the table descends into silence. i don't know why you feel you have to save this man. so that automatically means you have to help him? you're always doing this -- putting other people's needs ahead of your own, like you're this martyr or saint or something. it's like living with mother teresa. you don't need this in your life -- especially not now. you really need to be grieving for your father. really? i haven't seen it. it's okay, honey. you can let it go. i just want you to be happy. she kisses him. oh, honey, i just brushed my teeth. ben? where've you been? what happened to you? when is this going to end? why? a few days ago you weren't even sure you still wanted to be a therapist. now you're going to risk your life again for that lout. go. just don't get shot -- please? you tell your father right now or i'll give you such a smack it won't even be funny!