paulie, great to see you! you're lookin' good, kid. lookin' very good. jelly, how are ya? vitti embraces him and they sit down with the others. so, paul, we heard you had some trouble while you were away. some 'mental' problems. little people? so you ain't crazy? we're in a war, paul -- nobody's safe right now. the rigazzis are walkin' all over us. we got next to nothing coming in, and i don't have to tell you, you don't buy a lot of muscle without money these days. we need you, paul. the family needs you. come on, paulie. nobody used to do the big jobs like you. air france-- they're still talkin' about it. after your father died, i always treated you like my own son. you know that. he was a good man. i still miss him. so you'll think about it. for me, paulie? hey, what is this -- a fuckin' funeral here? you just got back from college for chrissakes. we should be havin' a party for you. hey, nino, give everybody a round here. we gotta drink to paul. i understand. no problem. it's good to have you back, paul. don't forget what i said. we're countin' on you. vitti gives his old friend a pat on the back and exits. cut to: you're the shrink who's taking care of paul vitti? so? is he nuts or what? paulie. is he nuts? discuss it. and what. meaning what? i'm getting a fuckin' headache here. he's a criminal? this is news? and for that you need a doctor degree? so what are you doin' with him? this is mrs. lopresti. that's a zamboni, asshole. stromboni.