in the kitchen, paul. cut to: paul -- what a nice surprise. good. it's good. give me a kiss, you. patty hugs and kisses him, taking the opportunity to pat him down for a weapon or a hidden wire. yeah. you live with a person twenty- one years, then one day they're that's why i try not to gossip, paul. it's ugly. just a sec. michelle! teresa! it's ten-thirty! stop fucking around and get ready for ballet! it's hard being a single parent and a career woman. the pressure -- it's awful. for instance, a lot of people think, now that you're out, you're going to try and take the family back from me. but i said, no, paul would never do that. by the way, how are marie and the kids? still in ohio? in shaker heights? at 1356 locust? vitti explodes, reaches across the counter and grabs her by the shoulders. don't make me call my guys in. you may need the shit kicked out of you, but not in here. i just mopped. vitti lets her go. wow. have you been working out? it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. nobody's gonna be safe unless we can end this thing with the rigazzis. oh, paul. you actually think i would kill you? all the years we've known each other -- the christmas parties, the fun times at the beach. it wouldn't be right. i want us to be friends. who knows? maybe we'll be more than friends. want to lick my beaters? she holds the beaters out to him. what kind of business? you know, if you get something going, we would expect some kind of consideration -- a little taste. oh, paul. i just got a chill. sure, paul. i understand. he heads for the door. don't be a stranger! watch him like a hawk. if he steps out of line, it would break my heart, but shoot him in the fuckin' head. wrong. you do not want him to change. ben looks at her, sensing her command of the group. patty. ben, paul vitti is important to this family. we don't want to see you turn him into a stromboni. it's a bull with his balls cut off. she reaches under the table and grabs ben's balls. he winces in pain. not unless you want to be one, too. then do the right thing, understand? paul! hello! vitti turns to see patty, eddie devol and his men heading across the set. i guess everybody's gone hollywood, huh? jelly -- you're working here, too? an extra what? eighty bucks? for standin' around all day? you used to sneeze eighty bucks. how much you make shootin' craps? and how about bookin' bets for the teamsters and the crew? so eighteen hundred bucks. i know -- extra. they all laugh. an assistant director approaches the group. i heard you had some more trouble. i don't have to tell you, paul. alone on the street you don't stand a chance. that's what the family's all about. since the old days, when the grandfathers first came over. that's not something you just walk away from. so you want to tell me what's going on here? it looks like you got your whole crew back together. don't bullshit me, paul. you're planning something. i'm feeling very left out. you're a good friend, paul. and i would never think of insisting on this, but i'd feel better if you brought in eddie and some of my guys to help with the job. then i'll have to insist. excuse me? go fuck yourself. it's good to have you back, paul. hi, paul. how'd it go? yeah, i heard. it's all over the television. i never should've trusted eddie. but, you know, a woman alone in the world is very vulnerable. at least i don't have to worry about the rigazzis no more. thanks to you. i know. i'll make sure. how about some breakfast? i could make you some waffles and -- whatever else you want. she adjusts her robe, providing vitti a quick peek. well, if you ever change your mind -- good luck, paul. cut to: