i adore this place. best sushi in town. have you tried the yellowtail, paul? raoul picks up a floppy piece of raw fish with his chopsticks. yes. paul, i'm such a huge fan of yours -- not a fan, but you know, an admirer. is there any chance you might be interested in working on 'little caesar' as a consultant? give us technical advice, coach the actors, make sure the dialogue rings true -- so what do you think, paul? fantastic! holy fucking shit. that was phenomenal! cut to: cut! can you do something about the fucking smoke? this is the problem with shooting on location. but it's worth it for the authenticity. tony! come here a second. anthony bella. he plays nicky caesar. are you shitting me? anthony bella joins them. tony, this is paul vitti. how incredible is this? paul tells me they watch the show in sing sing! i sensed it myself. which elements strike you as wrong? the theater, mostly. i would be eternally grateful. anything else? done. i'll put that in the works right now. he hurries off to talk to his assistant. jelly comes up to vitti. oh, dear god. first of all, sweetheart, we're not shooting the hooker scene until tomorrow. and the hair -- please, what is that? mrs. lopresti -- i am so very, very raoul wheels on a production assistant who happens to be passing by. how dare you not inform me mrs. lopresti was on the set. you're fired! enjoy your visit with us. if there's anything i can do -- immediately. raoul moves away quickly. patty turns back to vitti. i mean, tell me -- was she angry? am i in any danger? i'll have brian do it. he's new. rigazzi and his men join them. oh, what is this now, the bus and truck tour of guys and dolls? 'the wrench.' please, forgive me. i'm on painkillers -- half the time i don't know what i'm saying. certainly. brian! get my car! action! does that screaming sound real to you? cut, cut, cut! what the hell's going on? raoul strides out into the street, furious, still talking through his bullhorn. who are you? what are you doing in my shot? the captain and the marshals look around and see that they're on the set of "little caesar." i have a permit!