what the hell happened to you? vitti? you talked to vitti? what did you say to him? that must hurt. rigazzi pulls out a gun with a silencer and shoots the gunman. i hate to see people in pain. get him out of here. he's a hard man to kill. but he's not immortal. our time will come. cut to: no, pull the car up your ass and wait there. cut to: could i talk to you for a second? get lost. i need a couple minutes. the guy who shot at you -- he was acting on his own. i never gave an order. and he's been taken care of. there won't be another incident. unless you're thinkin' of workin' for patty lopresti. good. then i got no beef with you. because that would not be the way to go. you want to back a winner, which is gonna be me. it only makes sense. you come work for us. i'll treat you right. well, so much for sleeping better. rigazzi smiles and pats vitti's cheek, then exits with his soldiers. cut to: