all right, neurotics only! well, you must have been a beautiful ba-a-by, 'cause baby look at you now, thank god for prozac, baby look at you now! we want to be there, but i have three book signings next weekend. i can't piss off these big book stores. if i cancel, they'll stick me down on the bottom shelf. that's how they are. you're really hostile tonight. what's wrong? how's your practice? excuse us, michael. why are you wasting your time out there in the boondocks? new york city is the mecca of madness. it beats a guy with an ass full of flounder. why are you getting so defensive? this is about your own feelings of inadequacy. why do you think i do that? enough. i want you to think about what i said. and when you're ready to talk to me like a normal person, i'll be at the piano with regis philbin. rege! now, ladies and gentlemen, at the piano, regis philbin! think it'll affect your water pressure? how was your flight home? anyone hang themselves in first class. all right. what's with you and paul vitti? he's your patient? are you joking? have you thought about what this could do to your reputation? jesus, ben, you're the one who's going to be hurting. i want you to stop seeing him. this is bullshit. okay. i love you -- and i'm afraid for you -- i want you to be safe -- and i want you to have a good life. that's it. i thought you became a shrink because you were sleeping with your psychology professor at columbia. no. he doesn't want to hurt his foot, so they're going to drop a person on it.