the word is primo sindone must have ordered it, but, uh -- a lot of people think you set him up. so you could be the big boss. everybody figures you're lookin' to wipe out the competition before the big meeting. it's alright with me if you did -- that's all right, sir. it's our fault for being in front of you like that. it's okay. forget about it. no, it was like that before. why? fuck the police. you're a doctor? a shrink. you talk to a lotta nuts, huh? pings and knocks. cheap gas. hey, how do those minivans handle? take it easy, doc. you feel all right? you havin' one of those mindgrains? anything. we just came from the doctor. you're gonna change your face like sonny black? don't get his nose though, he looks like a pig. it saves time. wow. this is like the psychic network or something. i just ran into a psychiatrist. actually he ran into me. yeah, he seemed like a smart guy. he had a business card and everything -- what do you need a shrink for anyway? got it. of course. absolutely. can i ask you one thing? this friend. is it me? dr. sobol? yeah, i know, i'm sorry. bingo. get outta here. upsa-daisy. you got a coat, nutbar? he's leaving. i'll give you a hundred bucks to get out of here. a hundred and fifty. you're not that fuckin' crazy. dr. sobol. dr. sobol. mr. vitti wants to see you. i have your robe. no, i think they use the men's room next door at the burger king. mr. vitti wants to see you. you're an employee of mr. vitti's. that means you're on call twenty- four hours a day just like the rest of us. don't be a skavootz. it is what it is. if he needs you sooner, you go. already done. that's right. my ears are sealed. that's fuckin' weird. sorry. i'm gonna get something to eat. you want like a sandwich or somethin'? a half a sandwich. i'll be back in about twenty minutes. no, but they will in a minute. it's dr. sobol. he says he needs to see you right away. sit up front with jimmy. paretti's has a very special meaning to paul. hey! hey, just shut up. he don't like to talk about it. i'll go with you. at the urinal, reacts to ben's cry. you need more roughage. a bran muffin in the morning would help with that. sorry, doc. it's not personal, you know. what's wrong with you? don't you have any respect? this is a very difficult thing for paul. jesus, the guy's fallin' apart. he fires back at handsome jack. he reloads and fires again. he sees handsome jack emerge from cover and takes him out with five quick shots. no, doc. that one's mine. you got the chevy camaro and the side-by-side refrigerator-freezer. how you feelin', boss? you need anything? doc, we're going to need to hurry it up here. hi, kid. haul ass, buddy. we got a problem. ooh, she's feisty. watch out, doc. tick tock, let's go. hurry up and pronounce them, huh? okay. kiss, kiss -- i'm sorry about this, mrs. sobol, but duty calls, you know? nice, huh? you're a pistol. i like her. he's bad, doc. worse than i ever seen him. i think his inner child is all fucked up. yes. once on 'bonanza,' hoss cartwright got bit by a raccoon. he got this fever and he was shaking -- this is serious, doc. if he doesn't make this meeting, they'll kill him for sure. that would work except for one little detail. i'm a fucking moron. i'm known for it. you have to go. hey! watch that. it's different when i say it. when you say it, it sounds very negative. doc. correction. mr. vitti couldn't shoot you. but here's something about me you should know. i never got married, doctor sobol. i don't have a hobby. i never got a dog or a cat. i don't even have a goldfish. i live for one reason only, and that's to serve mr. paul vitti. he's what i'm thinking about when i wake up, and he's what i'm thinking about when i close my eyes to sleep. if he told me to jump off a tall building, not only would i do it, i would hope to survive so i could do it again and again until he told me to stop. this is all i know. this is all i got. so please don't think i won't kill you, because i'd hate for your last thought to be a wrong one. you're going to that meeting. shut up. you're making him nervous. if he gets nervous and fucks up, they'll kill him for sure. let's go over it again. mr. vitti's been detained, apologies all around, blah, blah, blah. then you say you're the new consigliere, and you're prepared to speak for mr. vitti. then you just keep your mouth shut, and hope nobody asks you nothin'. shut up. if you have to talk, just be vague. can you do that? don't fucking whine! whining's a dead giveaway. come on! you're the consigliere, for chrissake. on his way. don't worry. he's -- it's okay. forget about it. yeah, well, the thing is mr. vitti has been detained and he sends his apologies for -- being detained -- and he apologizes for his -- detainment. mr. vitti meant no disrespect. the thing is, he's not feeling well. he's sick and he -- didn't feel well -- consigliere --