shut the fuck up! it's a rhetorical question, you fuckin' idiot. what's the matter with you? are you some kind of moron? did you see anything? forget that bullshit. did you see anything? jelly! let's go! fuck me! fuckin' fifteen-hundred dollar suit. you think the whales piss in that water? it's the truth. i saw 'em. so this time you'll sit up front. why you making a federal case? yeah, this is where his father got whacked. what's the big secret? right at that table. with his whole family there. where you goin'? nah, sit up front. there's more room for your legs. get in the front. get in the car. get in the fucking car. what's taking so long? i'm ruining my goddamn shoes here. fuckin' $350 bruno maglis. shoulda let me do it. i'd be home watchin' e.s.p.n.2 by now. world's strongest man. you should see these guys. why doesn't he just pop him? it's embarrassing. just remember. that's a fuckin' $1200 valentino suit. you spill anything on it, i'll mess you up good. boy, this is some fuckin' plan.