so judging from the mob scene around the pool here today, i think you'd have to say that there's nothing 'off' about the 'off-season' in miami beach this summer. now, on a personal note, this is my last report for w.v.b.f. i'm getting married to a wonderful man and moving to new york, so if you're up that way, watch for me on the w.p.i.x. news team. thanks for everything, miami. for the last time, this is laura macnamara, w.v.b.f. news. catch! i'll do the re-asks, then you guys can just shoot the inserts and pack it up. ben! this is him, everyone! this is the guy! oh, i missed you. this is michael? i don't think so. if i remember correctly, michael was a little boy, and this, this is a great big kid. hey, you. tell us what you did with michael sobol. okay. come on. give me a break. i'm trying. sorry. just smack me if i do that again. how are you, michael? go ahead. if you break something, don't worry. i'm out of here. you think he likes me? you are? and you still really want to get married? but what if you get tired of me? i know so many couples that were really happy, then they got married and just completely lost interest in each other. i just don't want to lose the passion. i want us to be like animals. you know just screaming and sweating and tearing at each other all the time -- oh my god. what is wrong with you? i woke up, you were gone, no note or anything. i've been going out of my mind, ben. i walked all over the hotel looking for you. i almost called the police! you have patients in florida? who is this patient? oh, ben. you're not going to treat him. tell me you're not. that would be too scary. you don't want a person like that in your life, believe me. i've covered the mob down here. i've seen what they can do. you sure? i was so worried. come on. get into it. just stop. we're having fun, right? would you like a drink, because i'm definitely having eight or nine. thank you very much. mr. vitti, we can't accept this. okay. then you leave us alone, right? i've never been less okay. what was that about? oh. how could you do that? why, they're going to throw me off the balcony, too? i am thirty -- over thirty years old and all my life i have dreamed of walking down the aisle in a beautiful white dress and marrying the man i love. thank you, but it's not about the dress! we were supposed to get married! of course i'm upset! i'm going downstairs to pack, then i'm going to new york and i'm getting married with you or without you. okay? well, we're not married, so i guess we'll have to send it back. what did you expect? you think that's what i want to remember on our anniversary? 'gee, honey, let's go look at the wedding video. there's my parents, there's your parents, and there's the guy who plunged to his death.' i'm starting to think that's not going to happen. and who's going to be there? and no guests without necks. everybody has to have a neck. was your patient. but not like a real patient. yeah, maybe you should. too bad you didn't remember that when you were breaking in. no. a bloodbath? okay. guess what, fellas? you don't scare me. sit down! there's going to be a bloodbath. oh, yeah. only it's going to be between you and me. you think you can break into our home and intimidate us? that ain't the way it works here, boys. whatever he and paul vitti talked about is privileged. he doesn't have to tell you a thing. tarasoff vs. the university of california. look it up. now, if he's done something wrong, take him downtown and book him. otherwise, i'll ask you very kindly to get the hell out of my house. oh, shut up! i do not believe this! who the hell do you think you are? oh. you're the first person to call me mrs. sobol. no. go. just go. have him back here by the salad course or you're in serious trouble. capiche? i just can't get used to it. it's been three weeks since the last time you were kidnapped. i don't know if i can adjust. your choice, tony.