fuck him. then let it come down. vitti's a tough guy but a lot of tough guys got fed to the crabs off red hook over the years. you been down there a long time. are you measuring my inseam or contemplating a lifestyle change? vitti. vitti. the whole time we were growing up, he was the smart guy; i was the dope. my father was a nickel-and-dime shitheel; his father had it all. vito genovese blew it at apalachin because he forgot to kill gambino before the meeting. i won't make the same mistake. i want paul vitti dead -- now. you two astronauts think you can handle that? how come i can't get on this show? this is a good show. vitti. hello? yeah, how's it goin'? what kind of feelings? so why you telling me? i don't know what you're talking about. vaffancul'! get a dictionary and find out what this 'closure' is. if that's what he's hitting us with, i want to know what the hell it is. i'd like to see a movie but there's nothing out there. it's all this shoot-'em-up action bullshit. i get enough of that at work. yeah? then let's make it the last supper. jack? hey, jack. just for fun, tear out his heart and bring it to me. who's the guy with jelly? i'm primo sindone. they call me sonny long. it's good to see so many of the old faces here, and to welcome the new ones from all over the country. i see frank zello, and joe baldassare, but i'm a little disappointed to see that the head of our other new york family isn't here today. all i see is his man jelly and some sawed-off little prick nobody knows. detained? what kind of bullshit is that? what's more important than this? as the host of this meeting, i take his not being here as a sign of disrespect to me and to all these other men, too, who came a long way to be here. all right, who is this guy and what the fuck is he doing here? okay, doctor, then let's get down to business. everybody knows there's been this thing between me and paul vitti for a long time. what second thing? i only know one thing. what guy? what thing? what the fuck are you talking about? how about if i just break your fuckin' neck? what do you think of that? what do i think? i think it's a good idea! why would i say it if i didn't think it was good? i wouldn't! that's what i'm saying! what are you talking about? what's he talking about? i'm trying to talk about vitti! why are we talking about me? what does that mean? fuck you! calm down? how can i calm down when this prick won't stop with the questions? that's it! you're a dead man! don't look at me. everybody knows you whacked him so you could take over everything. vitti! you don't want to do this? that's fuckin' rich. what did you think, you could just quit and walk away? you think this is a fuckin' civil service job? what are you, crazy? hey! take a pill, robocop.