don't touch him. about as bad as you smell! no. i'm running to. to find my home. no. this isn't a home - it's just a building. home is where you belong and none of us belong here. i'm not sure but look. . . it says "together in paris". i was wearing this when i came here ten years ago - it's the only way that i know . . . . . that i must have been someone someone loved. it might be. i have to go and find out. i have to go now, before it gets light. then you'll have to make your own home. lots of people do. then come find me. i hope there's no snow in paris. . . i think you should be more careful about who you invite to dinner! could someone tell me. . . which line? is this the right line to get papers to travel? to paris. i have to get to paris is this where i get traveling papers? i didn't dmitri? there must be a million dmitris. . . excuse me, do you know dmitri. . . i wish they'd all stop telling me they didn't tell me! what are you doing. . . excuse me - i'm looking for a man named dmitri. . . i'm sorry. . . i'm. . . i'm looking for dmitri. i need traveling papers - to paris. i heard dmitri could help me. i heard it from everyone who said i didn't hear it from them! do you know dmitri? well, i don't have any money . . . i have a bike! perhaps i could sell it and. . . what are you doing here? and where's my bike? officer! my bike has been stolen! sorry, boy, i have to go. no. you can't come with me. i'm leaving. . . it sounds like you're saying "me too". listen little guy, i have money, no food. . . and no bicycle. i'm the last person you should be following! what are you do. . . dancing bears, painted wings far away, long ago glowing dim as an ember, i. . . i. . . spoke to you earlier about traveling paper. . are you dmitri? i didn't mean to trespass - i don't want to do anything dishonest, but if you could just help help me. . . oh, yeah - in the orphanage they constantly told me i looked like a princess! stop that! i don't know - i don't remember anything that happened before the revolution. . . i don't know. i don't see what this has to do with me. look, i came here to get papers to travel to paris and. . . i have my reasons. look - there isn't an orphan in the world who doesn't dream she's a princess but, come on. . . look at me! all right. i will go with you. all right. i will go with you. sorry - it's a reflex. living in an orphanage if someone bothers you - you automatically come up swinging. by pulling my hair?! put it on your nose. for heaven's sake, you're making such a fuss! men are such babies. here, let me i'm going to stretch my legs i must have hit him harder than i thought. would you like to tell what we are. why? just what do you think you're doing?! forged papers! now, what?! huh?! noooo. no! you shouldn't have pushed us! i'm fine. who's sophie? what?! you never said anything to me about having to prove i'm a princess! i don't have a memory and i'm not a princess! even if i were - no one's ever going to believe it. i'm not exactly. good enough. i can't go through with this! and on my father's side, there was natasha! natasha feastavich!- but we called her nashie fooshie! you must have. fish fork, salad fork, meat fork and. . . the dessert fork! what a beautiful ship! konstantin petrovich of moscow! you'll laugh. not you. him. you said you wouldn't laugh! i'm never going to be. well! maybe i am. it's so beautiful . and sad. lost. it feels lost. this was hers? i know i must have had something to do with the palace - i've had little flashes of things - but being the princess? it doesn't matter as long as i find my home. i'm sorry. oh! i'm sorry. i'm almost there. i'm finally going to know. that was really very kind of you. yes - if i can't convince sophie, i'll never be able to see tatiana. of course. father had fresh tropical fruits sent in. oranges and pineapples from the far east. i remember . i remember i threw an orange to a young boy who was hiding under a table. but you never doubted who i was, did you, dmitri? not for a second . how do i look? she's so beautiful! i do remember her . i remember her . i'm so scared. and grateful. to you. if it weren't for you -- tell me it isn't true?! tell me you didn't do this for the money! no! i thought you believed in me! it was all a lie! go away! i don't know! i don't want to hurt you. i remember something lost . i'm so confused! oh, please, just tell me if you recognize me! do you think i could have. belonged to you . i've always had it. i came here because of this! tell me if you recognize it! please! it's all i have. and that christmas dinner, when cook made that awful plum pudding and we hid it in our pockets so we wouldn't hurt her feelings! i do remember so much now, grandmama, - but not everything. no, it wasn't a bat! i saw this horrible man - i remember him, i think. i'm glad you did too. enjoy your fortune. oh, yes, grandmama - i wait until i hear. there's no choice. oh, meetoo! you look miserable! oh, vlad - look at him! poor meetoo! cut it out, vlad! i'm not angry with you anymore - i know how much you needed the money. dmitri didn't want the money? vlad, stop acting this way! you're my friend! why does everyone have to act that way? "if" i accept?! of course i'm going to accept! it's what i always wanted! i wanted to come home, grandmama - and i did. i came back to my home with you. and this is my future. this is who i am! i don't know who i am! i still don't know! i've spent my whole life waiting to find you . dmitri? dmitri . grandmama told me. dmitri, what's wrong? dmitri . look at me! it's anya! it's anya! you saved my life in the palace! you won't take it now. dmitri. i know you would never hurt me. you love me. dmitri? i guess you aren't as powerful as you thought! i'm not leaving you! don't let me go! i am home.