despite being shot, poisoned and thrown into an icy river . . . yes! you gave the orders! after all i've done for your family - you tried to kill meeeeee ! ! ! the romanov dynasty ends here! you, your wife and children will all die within the fortnight! you . . . my little babushka . . . you'll be so much fun to kill that i'll save you for last! what? and what do you want, my little rat-with-wings? i gave you that tongue and i can rip it out! why would i ever be angry with you, little friend? get to the point sometime tonight. i'm late for a wenching. impossible. that rumor's been around for years. how do you know? source of my power. owner of my soul. i need your help. i cursed then all! the romanovs tried to kill me and i swore to destroy all of them! if she lives, if she should have a child someday, the romanov family continues! and i won't lot that happen! this is the end of the line! yesses - you'd all like to get out, wouldn' t you? sorry just one at a time and only when i call. do you have any idea what would happen if that broke?! evil, powerful beings - i have their power only if i contain them, control them. if they should all be released at once. well . where is she? where is princess anastasia. she has friends. no matter. finish my prophecy. she is not to get off that train. alive! go! i don't care what you do with the others but finish the girl! killlll herrrrr! and have fun. she's too far away, isn't she? yesss. our power is much stronger when were near. we must get close to her. we'll catch her and finish her! we ride this night! she's out there . bartok. a question. what do you think is the most humiliating way to die? she leads a charmed life, that little one . someone is always there to save her. in the palace as a child, on the train and now . it's him. you are toying with me, aren't you? you let me get so close. bartok . have you ever been to paris? we are going to paris - and while we're there, let's kill the young man. he annoys me. shut up! we're close to her, aren't we? excited, eh? you look about to burst . you'd like to burst, wouldn't you? no, no, no. we made a bargain. someday you'll have me for all eternity. till then. i'm in charge. she'll find her demise in that happy home! yesss . finally "home". and what a charming . girlish little home it is. look, bartok, little angels, the symbol of . love. so sweet, so harmless. let's go for a touch of irony, shall we? and there will be no blood on my hands . nooooooo! so. you don't want to go to the coronation, eh? i know, i know . you thought i was dead. that's how the history books will remember me - not as the ruler of all of russia, which i should have been - but as the guy who was never dead when you expected him to be. the same thing i wanted ten years ago - all the romonovs dead i got the others, now i have to finish up with that nuisance, anastasia. stop it! i did so kill them! and i'm going to kill anastasia. look at me. look at me! you are going to help me kill her. you are going to help me kill her. her. look, bartok. most of them were there the night i made this curse. now, they'll get to see it finished! revenge is a dish best served. in front of a larrrrrge audience! do not despair. i'll make sure your beloved princess drops in. throw her off the edge! do it! finish her! i'll show you! fighting for fair lady. how noble. and how pathetic. that's only going to make you fall farther. my curse is now complete! good-bye, babushka! what a touching sentiment. this little piggy had a palace. this little piggy had a throne. this little piggy missed the firing squad. and this little piggy wanted a home. and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way. down! die! nooooooooo!