y'know. since we're both walking the same way, i could take one of those bags for you. that way, i do some upper body work while i'm walking along. helps my back. what d'you say? right now your mind's making pictures of me robbing your groceires, but, y'know, nine times out of ten, people do the right thing. i guess it's worth it. for a good dog. hey! you want to turn that volume down? what's your point? what's the point of blasting your music through the whole zip code? don't you realize there are kids trying to sleep in these apartments -- old people, sick people? why? what're you gonna do? kill me? hi. your keys are in the. sorry. gotta be going. i. just saw it and. i saw the gun, so. i was just walking by. i live near here. i got you nectarines because the peaches are hard as rocks. i tackled a guy. why do you think? he had the ball. he was going for a touchdown. what day is today? no. met somebody today. a woman. no. she's a police officer. no. no trouble. i saw her once a long time ago. she looks the same. i don't talk to a lot of people. would you? i guess i live on the beat you patrol. he was going to shoot you. no. i didn't have time to think about it. i figure. it was worth the risk. yeah -- and for what you do. i think cops are great. out there, trying to keep it safe. you know? tough job. firemen are everybody's heroes. kids wave at firemen. people should wave at cops. did you ever think about how many people are walking around this town because you saved them? because you helped them or because you arrested somebody who would've hurt them or because you just. did your job? i don't know. i look pretty dumb in a hat. and i don't drive and, like i said, i don't talk to many people. am i talking too much? i am. you go ahead. where do you want to be ten years from now? somebody taught that to me. kind of a shortcut. you ask somebody, what are your plans for tomorrow -- what're your dreams for ten years from now. it's supposed to get things started. i never tried it. no. really. i just remembered it -- god is my witness. the shortcut. tibet? oh. i'll. walk you to your car. thanks for the drink. take care. i don't have a car. oh, thanks, but. i like to walk. yeah. if it's no trouble. thanks. i don't know. this is pretty good. can you drive okay? the only time i worry is when people tell me not to worry. i'm on lundy street, just off pico. streets are wet. i never drive. i'll be alright. y'know, i can picture you in colorado. driving around. pissed off. give me some time. what? whew. i feel like we're boxing, and you've got me on the ropes. we'll do whatever you want. i guess we were supposed to meet. no thanks. i'm circling awhile. so. it's more real this way. now that i'm in here, you seem mad about it. you first. some people say we each give off a particular odor -- that can only be detected by one other person's brain. i have no idea. i'm more in the destiny school, we-met-in-another-life school. do you believe that? do you think when we die -- we come back in another form? see? now you're thinking about me. let me guess. colorado. does that mean i'm going? you okay now? is this the mad part? can i come back some time? must be the smell. i better go. nothing. i just. no, i rolled up the window. it's rain. hey! hey! wake up! wake up! i helped you. i helped you. i'm sorry. oh. sorry. what? yes. why? it's me. we made a date. okay, an 'appointment.' i keep my appointments. i get up early. i walked there. i waited there. come back? what makes you think i'd come back here? i'm here to tell you that when you tell someone you're going to be somewhere then that someone rearranges his life and you should be more aware of that and a lot more considerate instead of just. what? none of your business. you think you deserve coffee? you definitely don't deserve food. i've got coffee, sugar, sweetener, non-dairy. what's the difference? somebody who keeps appointments. i'm not. you don't believe me? give me back the coffee. give me the coffee. my name is catch lambert. i don't work. i don't commit any crimes. i like being with you. we can start from here -- from now. and i need to start from here. that's the way it is. my rules. yeah. sure. come in. this is what you told me about -- right? your interrogation. do i need a lawyer? i'm not. what is it you're looking for? this is it. i sleep here. i walk around town. that's all of it. yeah. except for you -- the way i feel about you. surprising. i thought it was impossible. i thought i was. dead. in a way. no. did you ever wonder what 'scratch' meant, when people say, 'we'll start from scratch'? this is scratch. we can start from here. you know the cop -- the woman cop? she. visited me. i have a chair now. she has a lot of questions. she wants to know everything. we could start from today. what's so wrong with that? tell her what? nora. nora! she's tough. that doesn't matter. she's sort of pissed-off at me. for what? i'm sorry i yelled at you. i didn't say anything. new day. drive, will you? drive! will you get off this street? if you take a right and stop -- we can walk from here. i'd rather walk. i'm not. forget about him. somebody i used to know. i don't want to know him anymore. that's all. forget about it. walk with me. i like it here. it's fine. what's the problem? how's it goin'? you try it. go ahead. we need this. everybody. she feels bad 'cause you yelled at her. she just needs you to smile at her. why not smile at her? what's it cost? you're so damn impatient. you're so busy being pissed off, and time is going by. it's not her fault. no. i'm calling the police. hey -- police. maybe she'll think about it now. no. no, i just. some people are walking around blind. don't tell me what my problem is! maybe it's not my problem. maybe it's your problem. maybe you're going around blind. blind to what's going on around you. blind to what people need. we're supposed to take care of each other. we're supposed to keep each other safe. that's the way it should be -- if you're not going around blind, like that woman. i think i'll. walk the rest of the way on my own. i'll call you later -- about the hiking. shar. wait. hey! do we go for. symmetry? or. more off-center. japanese. are you into this? bob? hey. hey! can you wait up a minute?! the city is flat. okay? can we stop here? can we examine the view? have a milky way? i've burned every calorie i ever had. up?! i'm not one of those competitive guys, you know! no thanks. i can't eat and have a heart attack at the same time. as soon as you get happy, you get sad. everything's what? fine? this isn't fine. i know fine. this is something else. something happened yesterday. sure i do. all my days are the same. i'm sorry. that would make anybody sad. no. no, you can always tell me. i feel fine. great. take the day off, pogo! take your badge off for once. don't be such a damn marine about everything. just. someplace i've never been kissed. they tell me i was in an accident. long time ago. i don't remember it. i. so soon? yeah. i worked. i've been around. we don't need to go there. i want my old job back. what d'you think? no, but i'm up to speed. no? finish your coffee. sorry. how heavy was this guy? god. tractor-trailer? i better. more oil. this is pretty. renewal of vows -- that's great. is this your parents? why not? so. he says you can't go? all right. bad how? but. they invited you. well. i know about family. it's. a door you don't close. you're closing it now. right? family invites you, you go. family shows up, you welcome them in. that's family. then you forgive. no. i just. it seems like a chance, doesn't it? a chance to make things right. i'd take it. then you tried -- y'know? and it's up to them. what's your favorite song? one more. it's a surprise. thanks, danny. no thanks, ray. everything's code four. go away. you like these? well. they're for you. we can pretend it's your birthday. i hope you don't mind. yeah. i've. kind of been saving them up. one more word, and your life will change forever. hi. i've been. remembering. it's awful. i'll call you. shar, i'm sorry about yesterday. it's hard to explain, but it's. i'm okay now. so. why'd we meet here? i used to practice late. outside. on my roof. i didn't know it bothered anybody until you mentioned it. you arresting me? you going to tell me where we're going? that's okay. i mean. i'll go anywhere with you, shar. jaws of death. the mall on a saturday. just about any. what d'you mean? this is wrong! it's wrong! why are you doing this?! i don't need your help! i don't need this. we don't need this -- we're fine. i'm not dying! i'm not pretending! i don't remember! i don't remember any of it. so leave me alone! what good does it do? it's gone! and i'm all right this way! why do you have to change it? i'm all right. don't talk about that! don't! damn you, shar. damn you -- why won't you stop?! i have a life! we could have a life. we could get up and go to work and come home to each other and never, never talk about before. we don't need to do that! why do we need to do that?! nothing happened! if we say it, then that's the truth, that can be the truth. say it. nothing happened. say it, shar. say it! i'm asking you to say it. why not? why are you pushing so hard? why does it have to be your way? why does it have to be your truth? this is who i am! this is the way i am! you like to push people, don't you? you just have to push and shove and make it right for you -- for you. you push everybody, shar. you even pushed your family away, didn't you? you already said it. you said it all. annie. chet. i don't. want you to think i forgot about you. it's just that i. i couldn't find you. i woke up, and you were gone. everything was gone. it all just. disappeared. in one minute. i couldn't remember that minute. i lost it. it took me so long to find it. i think i found it all now. i used a calculator. i did. i figured it out. you know. we get about 1400 minutes a day and so i figured it out. i was 33 years old and three months and eight days, so it was. i've got it here. it was minute number 17 million eight hundred ten thousand, two hundred. or so. that's the one i lost. and. when i lost that minute, i guess i tried to lose it all, all the memories -- because they hurt. i tried, but. i couldn't do it. at the grave, struggling through this. chet. you weren't feeling so good, remember? it was your birthday, and you ate too much. and, annie, you said. you said. and i don't know if i slowed down. i don't know. i hope i did, but. i didn't always listen. i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. you put him on your lap, and he looked at me, and i made a face. remember? i made you smile, chet. and then we all smiled, and it was a great minute. it was. i'm really glad. i found that minute. no matter what. i won't forget. anymore. i love you. sorry, shar. for what i said. was it bad? then they don't deserve you in there. it's not a thing to say. it's the truth. why do you try so hard not to cry? no. no. it's not, shar. it's not. we're the family, pogo. i'll drive. 112: