thanks, honey. it's the best year ever for the impatiens. the very best. let's go in. he's down to six a day. are you well? yes. it's always there. i called because we want to invite you to our renewal of vows. it's three weeks from saturday. the family. it's sort of. a fresh start. no. both of us. it's a way of. having the marriage blessed. sherry. of course it was blessed. you just. you just think about the bad, and you never remember the good. i wish you remembered the good. of course. he doesn't hate you. he just. still feels hurt. being arrested like that. somebody doesn't forget that. it wasn't as bad -- you always make it sound worse. and it hasn't been that way for years. honey, nobody's punishing you. we're inviting you. will you come? we didn't think you'd want to. we don't want any trouble. on that day. please. it's on the 23rd. saint monica's. i'll show you. yes. you, too. don't make him talk about. anything today. yes. we're running out of chicken, though. nobody's eating the ham. you think that's wrong, don't you? i always. i feel like apologizing to you. but i love him. and then i feel like apologizing to him for loving you. i'm the one in the middle. i'm the only one in this family who knows how to forgive anybody. sharon, please.