break-in alarm. one suspect in -- nobody out. take the back. you got him? jesus. no shit!? what happened here? don't worry about it. that's just procedure. look -- we appreciate what you did. no bullshit. let us buy you a drink tonight, all right? you know where the rib house is? no shit. 'rex.' rex is good. i wonder who the first person was to name a dog 'fido,' and what the hell does it mean? i got a big question for you, pogo -- but i can only ask it when we're alone. why doesn't your partner ever come out with us? i'm a family man. that lambert -- i guess he's not showing either. where are you going? you're wearing makeup? hey, pogo -- don't keep him all to yourself. come on over, lambert, join the group. we'll buy you dinner, give you a medal for saving pogo's ass. least we could do. we don't like her very much -- but we don't want to lose her. are you in danger there? i was talking to him, pogo. oh, yeah? what d'you play? rib house after shift today? 4:30? pogo? bring your friend. gotta have that meat to keep your strength up.