'67 chevy impala. needs a servicing. jesus, pogo! almost spilled my coffee again! you didn't like his hair, or what? let's roll to this -- fight in progress. give it a rest! as i remove your cuffs, i want you to put your hands here. spread your legs. more. that's it. back off, john, we got it. you broke his nose. and you were waiting for him. you were hoping. you were making long-range plans for his ass while he was mouthing off in the car -- and you're supposed to be above that shit. pogo, stop the shit. what is it? you pissed off at me, too? come over for dinner tonight. i'll call charlene. she'd like to see you. it's been awhile. we'll talk about it. she doesn't worry about that. got some action, huh? well, that's promising. freeze! right behind you! stop and lie down with your arms. shit. careful! citizen on your right! hey! gun! hey! wait! he was armed. citizen took him down. you all right, pogo? what's going on, pogo? you're not happy or anything? what? this time we got his ass. got 'im? full moon, man. hey! are you going to tell me why we're sitting outside this building again? what's it about? fine -- what am i supposed to do? i think i'll head home. pogo? the little market there. they came through a back window last night. mostly vandalism. pogo? what's the name? let's do it.