his holiness once told me that a pope is a man torn between two worlds. the real world and the divine. the sistine chapel is a fortress, as long as the cardinals are in conclave, your security concerns are at a minimum. devote as much of your resources as possible to a search for- good. now -- you said the image on screen was illuminated by artificial light. may i suggest methodically cutting the power to various sections of the city. when the image on your screen goes dark, you'll have a more specific idea of the device's location. mr. langdon. you're correct that i may grant you access to the archives. i said you're correct that i may, not that i will. christianity's most sacred codices are in that archive. given your recent entanglement with the church -- i need to ask you a question first. i didn't ask if you believe what man says about god, i asked if you believe in god. and your heart? be delicate with our treasures. you've been informed of the new situation? and the other cardinals? may i ask your guidance, padre? at this hour? that would be highly unorthodox. the cruelest honor in christendom. the church will not fall in a day. we may be wise to consider evacuation. what of the safety of the cardinals? and the people in st. peter's square? but if their faith does not protect them from an explosion? spoken like one who has enjoyed the blessings of a long and full life. mea culpa. when did this call come in? and he actually claimed responsibility for the death of his holiness? that's ridiculous, the holy father died of a stroke. did he say how they claim to have done it? he had thrombophlebitis. he took an injection once a day. but no one knew that. of course we're not. we'll make a public announcement refuting this absurd claim. cardinal mortati shouldn't even be aware of this, he's locked in conclave. cardinal mortati will remember that he is dean of the college of cardinals, not his holiness himself. as you say. commander rocher, the search for the device? mr. langdon, you've been right so far, if belatedly, about the path. it's now nine fifteen, how quickly can you find the next church? escort him. fine. what sort of signs? if the holy father were given an overdose of heparin. what signs would his body bear? even though he died fourteen days ago? he was. very important to me. please come. to see my father. i was orphaned when i was nine years old. a bombing in madrid -- basque separatists protesting the visit of a catholic archbishop. if the holy father was murdered, the implications are profound. vatican security is impenetrable, no one from the outside could have gotten anywhere near him. we can trust no one father. holy father. you told me when i was young that the voice in my heart was that of god. you told me i must follow it no matter what painful places it leads. i hear it now, asking me the impossible. give me strength. forgive me. what i do, i do in the name of everything you believe. i ask your forgiveness for putting you in this position. vatican laws are established to protect the church. but it is in that very spirit that i command you to break them now. unseal the doors. there has been a development. please. a moment. if i. since the days of galileo, the church has tried to slow the relentless march of science, sometimes with misguided means, but always with benevolent intention. still, they call us backward, ignorant. the promises of science have not been kept. we're a fractured and frantic species, moving down of destruction in the name of progress. science and religion are not enemies. but there are things that science is simply too young to understand. we are here to lead, but how? shall we cloak ourselves in silence and secrecy, as in the past? or do we open the doors, take down the blackened curtains, and speak to our flock? signores, i ask, no, i pray that you break this conclave. open the doors. evacuate st. peter's square. tell the world the truth. we can't hide this anymore. the burning church -- at 11:15, if the church is still in peril, give the order to evacuate the cardinals. but with dignity, let them exit into st. peter's square, with their heads held high. i don't want the last image of this church to be frightened old men sneaking out a back door. if cardinal mortati protests, escort him bodily. do you understand? i'm certain it's the wrong thing, and i will be removed from my post for it. but i also know we have no choice. have you come to make me a martyr? illuminatus! order the evacuation. we only have nineteen minutes. st. peter. "upon this rock i will build my church.". upon this rock i will build my church. the bomb is in st. peter's tomb! oil lamps. grab one! it must be here! it must be! so? the scientist kept journals? so? really. the fool thought he had duplicated the moment of creation. science. the new god. ignore the weapons and chaos and madness. he raised me to protect the church. even from within. nothing unites hearts like the presence of evil. it isn't finished. i was planning on doing this alone. but perhaps it's better that you're here. illuminatus! i have been summoned by the college of cardinals.