swim might help your jet lag. vatican police? i was expecting another letter. my request for access to the archives? urgent vatican business, involving me? i doubt that. llluminati? did they? look at the paper. look again. incredible. either someone just figured out how to make this, or they found it. recently. which would mean the llluminati have returned. an ancient brotherhood, enemies of the church, surfacing just after the death of a pope? i'd pull you off vacation too. conclave? what do you want from me? why me? i wasn't under the impression that episode had endeared me to the vatican. spoken like a roman catholic. i assumed you were swiss guard. the great castration. 1857. pius ix felt the male form might inspire lust, so he got a hammer and chisel and unmanned two hundred statues. these plaster fig leaves were added later. me? no, i'm anti-vandalism. that's right. rocher looks him up and down, so, you're langdon. "vatican city will be consumed by light." it's an ancient llluminati threat. the destruction of vatican city through light. the four pillars -- he probably means the kidnapped cardinals. you didn't mention they were the preferiti. the favorites to be chosen as the new pope. play it again. stop it there. revenge for la purga. don't you guys read your own history? 1668. the church kidnapped four llluminati scientists and branded their chests with the symbol of the cross. to "purge their sins." murdered them and left their bodies in the street as a warning to others to stop questioning church rulings on scientific matters. it was after la purga that a darker, more violent llluminati emerged. this sounds like retribution. is there any more? the path of illumination? this has nothing to do with that, or by papal mandate. what about il camerlengo? let me talk to him. doesn't the power of the holy see rest with him during tempe sede vacante? thank you, padre. i'm an academic. my mind tells me i will never understand god. tells me i'm not meant to. "a shining star at the end of the path." my thoughts exactly. both. you're a physicist? okay. a little book written by galileo. and a devout catholic. he thought science and religion weren't enemies, but two different languages telling the same story. he wanted like minds to be able to find the church of illumination, but he couldn't exactly advertise its location, so he created a coded path. an unknown llluminati master sculpted four statues, each a tribute to one of the four fundamental elements -- earth, air, fire, water -- and put them out in public, in churches throughout rome. each statue held a clue, pointing to the next. and at the end of the trail was the church of illumination. the llluminati called those four churches by a special name -- l'altare di scienza. the altars of science. oh. oh, wow. take a moment. if you feel double vision, double over. plenty of time. -- confiscated from the netherlands by the vatican shortly after galileo's death. i've been petitioning to see it for almost ten years. ever since i realized what was in it. the number 503. i kept seeing it over and over in llluminati letters, scribbled in the margins, or sometimes just signed that way, "503." it's a numerical clue, but to what? five, of course, is the sacred llluminati number -- the pentagram, pythagoras, a dozen other examples in science -- but why three? d3. galileo's third text. dialogo. discorsi. diagramma della verita. the diagram of truth. this is where he got the word out. the truth, not what the vatican forced him to write. smuggled out of rome and printed in holland on sedge papyrus. that way any scientists caught with a copy could simply drop it in water and the booklet would dissolve. finger acids. do that again. no one spoke it at the vatican. it was considered polluted. too free- thinking, the language of radicals like shakespeare and chaucer. ah, what the hell. i'll know in a minute, give me the paper. 'cross rome the mystic elements unfold. the path of light is laid, the sacred test. let angels guide you on your earthly quest. huh? oh, um -- well, she moved so fast. raphael. santi was his last name. (not entirely i believe i am. as impossible as kidnapping four cardinals from vatican city? the poem is precise. the pantheon is your one chance to catch this guy. you would have, a hundred years ago. the vatican had all the pagan statues in the pantheon removed and destroyed in the late 1800s. whatever marker was there to lead us to the next church is gone now. the path is dead. this is your chance. you can't send her in there alone. i'm sorry. ancient newlywed. you really know how to use that gun gave you? thought you said you were a physicist, make it short. seven minutes to eight. long story. the oculus. that could be the "demon's hole" in the poem. to face east. sun worship. where do you think halos came from? not just sun worship though, the catholics borrowed communion from the aztecs, canonization from euphemerus, the cruciform from the egyptians --- just trying to keep the conversation lively. what are you talking about?! that's not possible, the poem said- i don't know. urbino, i think. santi's earthly tomb. what else could it possibly. santi 's tomb. yes! did raphael santi ever design a chapel with an ossuary annex and angel figure commissioned by the catholic church?! one'll do. please, we have four minutes! commandante, if you care at all about your church- this is the place. the illuminati were infiltrators. there isn't a powerful organization on earth they didn't place members in. look at a dollar bill some time. a pyramid, an occult symbol representing convergence upward, with the eye of illumination above it, and beneath it the latin for "new world order." fdr's vice-president was a high- ranking freemason. convinced him the words in latin actually meant "new deal." pyramids. in a catholic church. this is it. anybody got a flashlight? not from up here. more or less. earthly symbology. everywhere. i made a mistake. the chapel is. but the sculptures are bernini. almost exclusively. it means the illuminati even infiltrated the vatican. they hid in plain sight. the prophet who predicted the annihilation of the earth. this is the first marker. southwest. it points southwest. i need a map. one that shows all the churches in rome. the black rectangles with crosses are churches, and none of them intersect the line until it comes to an end, right in the middle of st. peter's square. the basilica is michelangelo, but the square is bernini. the second marker must be a statue in the square. another obelisk. we're close. how in god's name would anyone make a sculpture about air? the line of the breath in the carving points due east, directly away from vatican city, but there are five lines, so there's room for error. it would surprise the hell out of me. assets. artwork is valuable, and corporations tend to keep track of their holdings. sure sure, i get that. wasn't me, it was her, you don't smoke, do you? sit down before you fall down. moved to another church? at bernini"s suggestion? fire. fire. that's too bad. anything? are you out of your minds?! someone tried to kill me. yes. you heard me ask permission! you assigned me an escort! don't try to tell me you didn't know i was in there! or there is the other possibility. i want to speak to the camerlengo. unavailable? why? from whom? oh, right. oh no. the cleat, on the wall! get something to stand on! let angels guide you on your lofty quest. what direction is that? map. we're here. piazza barberini. damn it. fire and death. show me where santa maria del popolo is. (the cop doesn't water. the vatican is about to see its fourth cardinal murdered tonight. let angels guide you. the marker's no good without an angel, pointing to the final- cardinale guidera? the church of illumination. it's where you were being held, isn't it? you're all right? cold and wet but alive. where's rocher? this is it. the church of illumination is somewhere in the castle. the vatican used this place for centuries as a hideout, a prison for enemies of the church -- there are passages and catacombs everywhere. it makes sense, the illuminati infiltrated the church's own stronghold. bernini was chief architect here, he left clues everywhere, it's even surrounded by a pentagonal park! a traforo. commanders on horseback used them to ride directly into a castle from the outside. it's a dead end. no. no, it has to be here! bring a flashlight. do you still have the gun? ignore me any time you like. there's a fifth brand. two crossed keys. the papacy. technically, there is. you could have been long gone by now. neither are you. i was expecting a fanatic. why didn't you kill us when you had the chancer we've got to get to the vatican. we're under st. peter's square. senza chiave! a one-way portal, the only access is from the other side! the camerlengo is in danger! everything has been a sign, why should this be any different? or bring it down upon itself. st. peter's tomb is the very core of christendom. the ultimate infiltration. the necropolis. city of the dead. what's wrong? father, please! there it is! oh my god. are you okay? do i have someone to tell it to? what are you doing? wait a minute. for safety. that. is the papal office. the pope spent a lot of time in contemplation, alone. if he was worried about seizures, he must have asked rocher to install a camera without telling anyone. to keep an eye on him. for safety. and maybe -- i -- yes, i -- of course. i'll try. i hear you've chosen the name luke. there have been marks and johns, but never a luke. is that a message? science and faith all in one? you'll lead wisely. i -- don't believe he sent me, father.