and? a very long way for him to say very little. they are the four leading candidates. if they're not present, they're not eligible. there will be no consensus without them, wid are we to vote for? two years and three months. the conclave of 1316? what we tell them to think. await your word. my belief is we should proceed with the sealing of conclave. and yet within church law. it's in my power, i've been chosen great elector. the only ambitions i have are for my church. st. peter's church, which is under attack at its most vulnerable moment. this is not a coincidence. is it possible our enemies hope to distract us from our sacred task? that is exactly what they want, publicity and panic. we must not give them oxygen for the media fire. surely there is not an elector present who values his physical being more than the unbroken leadership of the holy see. they care as deeply about their church as we do. their faith will sustain them. we're all bound for heaven eventually, are we not? signore, do not confuse the power of the office you temporarily hold with your true place here in the vatican. you were a favorite of his holiness, but his holiness is with his father now. seal the doors. eligo in summum pontificem -- the first ballot has failed. signore, do you realize that for the first time in vatican history, a camerlengo has just crossed the sacred threshold of conclave after sealing the doors? my son. god answers all prayers. the college will not break conclave. a despicable act of terrorism. father simeon will make a suitable announcement lamenting the loss of life. may i suggest you direct your energies to helping the swiss guard confront the possibility of this explosive device, and leave church leadership -- speak plainly. if it is god's will, may his will be praise god. signores. you are no doubt aware that by holy law the man is ineligible for election to the papacy. he is not a cardinal, he is a priest, a chamberlain. and there is the matter of his inadequate age. i'm sorry, the protocols of conclave are not subject to modification. i will not call a ballot on this matter. does it? is it god's will that we abandon reason and give ourselves over to frenzy? discard the rules of the church? "acclimation by adoration." gently. but within our walls. this should help you complete your scholarly work, professor. when you write of us -- and you will write of us -- may i ask one thing? religion is flawed, mr. langdon, but only because man is flawed. including this one. it's said he was a doctor. the world is in need of both. science can heal, or science can kill. it depends on the soul of the man using the science. i'm an old man. i'll lead briefly, oh, my son.