professor langdon? i beg your pardon? claudio vincenzo, corpo della gendarmeria vaticano. in fact i was in new york, on vacation. i got a call in the middle of the night --- find robert langdon. a matter of great urgency. they said to show you this. yes, of course, but it couldn't be the llluminati as we knew them, they disappeared a hundred years ago. i've seen it. "the art of the llluminati," by robert langdon. it's worse than just that. four cardinals were kidnapped from their quarters inside the vatican some time between three and five a.m. this morning. shortly afterward, the office of the swiss guard received that document, along with the threat that the cardinals will be publicly executed, one per hour, starting at seven p.m. tonight, in rome. was to begin today. we have postponed its start for a few hours, a story of illness, there are no suspicions. yet. the perpetrators of this heinous act sent that -- ambigram, you say? -- as a provocation, a taunt. but it may also be their undoing. if you can help us learn their identity, perhaps we can stop them. your expertise. your erudition. and your involvement with recent church -- shall we say "mysteries?" oh, it didn't. but it made you -- what is the word? formidable. formidable. a plane is standing by twenty minutes from here. will you come with me? if the llluminati have returned and are in rome, we will hunt them down and kill them.