somebody pulled us off the grid, phillipe. and the lear's specked up to 42. it's all approved by the director, you want me to call him? about two billion years. at that rate. power should be back five by five. it's new, energy research technology. it uses a reverse polarity vacuum to filter out anti-matter positrons generated in particle accelerations in the large hadron collider at cern. the battery going dead. which it will. in six hours and eleven minutes. you've got to find it. you don't understand. an annihilation is a cataclysmic event. it would be a blinding explosion, equivalent to about five megatons. the blast radius alone would be -- only the director of cern. but leonardo kept detailed journals; if he told anyone else about what we were doing, he would have made a note of it. i can have them flown here from geneva in an hour. professor langdon! no, but i can change its battery, as long as it has more than five minutes of life. that would give us another twenty-four hours to get it back to what are we looking for in the archives? galileo was llluminati? (making the feels like i'm. scuba diving. with the wrong mixture. what makes you so sure the segno is there? i know about dialogo and discorsi -- galileo laid out his theories about the earth revolving around the sun, and the church forced him to recant. but what was this? a bit. english? why english? sorry, professor. no time. we borrowed it. the first marker sounds like it's at santi's tomb. but who is santi? raphael? the sculptor? so the path starts at raphael's tomb! is the pantheon even a church? the information we have clearly refers to raphael's tomb, and raphael's tomb is inside that building. wait a minute, you'll scare him off. i'm sorry, two weightlifters in matching black suits and earpieces, they're hardly disguised. fine. i'll go. tourists have cell phones, don't they? hi honey, i'm at the pantheon, you should see this place! you're crushing my hand. a nervous newlywed? try harder. i can tag a breaching porpoise from forty meters off the bow of a rocking ship. i am. long story. was that mickey mouse? make it short. why are the tombs at an angle? but this is a christian church. you're saying christianity is repackaged sun worship? no wonder they don't like you around here. raphael's tomb! but -- he was moved here, in 1759. a century after diagramma was published! where was he originally buried? back to the vatican?! you can't! the freemasons? are illuminati? the united states government was infiltrated by illuminati? is it raphael? didn't he work for the church? habakkuk? robert! it's ten minutes till nine! can we go any faster?! there must be a hundred statues up there, which one is it? he's still alive! the pope took heparin? heparin is lethal in the wrong dosage. an overdose would cause massive internal bleeding and brain hemorrhages. at first it might look like a stroke, but in a few days his body would show signs, we could easily- the journals i asked for. i'd like to stay here and study them. if leonardo told anyone else about our project, that could be the killer. i'm sorry? bleeding of the oral mucosa. his gums. postmortem, the blood congeals and turns the inside of the mouth black. it wouldn't show up until at least a week after his death. i understand. where are we going? i don't understand. he died? meaning it was someone on the inside. the journals. where are they? those journals are private property. i am an italian citizen and i have a right to- do you have something to hide, commandante rocher? i'm all right, what about you?! i don't know. he took the journals, he's hiding something. back to search the outer castle. robert, it's a dead end. you told me to give it back. an angel. we have thirty minutes left, i can still change the battery if we can find the cannister. what? the symbol for the vatican? but there is no pope. the camerlengo?! we have to- men of god. you think it's a sign? i can still change the battery if we hurry! what's down here? set it down flat. heat decreases battery life. we may have less than five minutes. if i pull the power with less than five minutes, the residual charge won't hold suspension. we should leave it and get clear if we can. at least if it goes off down here the damage will be- wait! do we have time for that story now? leonardo's journals. i want them back. where's that?